Part 30

170 8 7

Trigger Warning: Mental Health, Abuse

(Reader POV)

"Joey, you need to calm the fuck down. Last night was your fault and you know it. I plan on asking to be removed from the gig with KISS anyway," You said, turning to face him.

"Dont fucking lie to me, Sheila was whispering in your ear, so I know you and that bitch are up to something. I told you, Y/N, you are mine forever, and don't think I won't destroy his little world too." Joey snarled.

"He and I are a fling Joey, it will be back to business as usual after today. You just have to calm down or this situation is going to get more out of hand than any of us want, okay?" You replied softly..

After years of being around Joey and his family, you knew it was best to stay as calm as possible. They diagnosed the man with a slew of mental health problems, bi polar being at the top of it. The last thing you wanted was for anyone to get hurt just because you set your crazy ex-boyfriend and co-worker over the edge during a manic episode. You took a seat on the couch and patted the spot next to you, trying to distract him. Joey charged at you, throwing his slender frame into yours as he grabbed your throat.

"What does he have that I don't? He can't be as good as you made him sound in the bathroom the other day. You think that little performance pissed me off? You faked it and I know it. By the way, does the Star Child know he's fucking an ex pill head? I mean, sure you've been clean for five years, but one little slip up and back to rehab you go for the eighth time. You think Paul will pay for all of that?" He asked.

You smacked the man across the face, finding satisfaction in the groan that escaped his body while he held his cheek. The man moved to stand up and grab you again, but stopped when you raised your fist at him. Turning your back to him briefly, you went to your desk and gathered the notepads and pens, just as you had told Sheila, and attempted to walk back to the door. Joey darted in front of you and blocked your exit, making your blood boil even more.

"Paul, or Sheila, is going to come looking for me, since this meeting was supposed to start five minutes ago. Let's just go," You said..

"Kiss me" Joey replied

"No, I told you we are through in that area Joey, I don't love you.." You said.

You barely finished the statement when the man's fist collided into the side of your head, and you fell to the floor. Joey kicked you in the stomach just as you had done the night before and then everything turned dark.


(Paul POV)

Paul gave your boss a hug and went back over to where Gene and Doc stood, feeling his stomach drop when he couldn't find Joey. The singer scanned around the small hallway before poking his head into the conference room, but there was no sign of the man. He tapped his band mate on the shoulder, making Gene grumble over being interrupted while having an important conversation with their manager.

"Where did that prick go?" Paul asked

"He disappeared about the same time that your girlfriend did. He said there was something they needed to go over about the video. Why do you look so flustered?" Gene replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, seeing as he just had her arrested for no reason other than Y/N and I are fuck buddies. Joey is off his rocker and you just let him go follow her." Paul hissed

"Paul, just breathe. He wouldn't do anything crazy up here at his job right now, anyway. Give it a couple of minutes before you go turbo mode on everything, okay?" Doc chimed in

"Fuck that. Has anyone else seen Joey or Y/N in the last ten minutes?" Paul asked, darting his eyes around.

"She was just going to her office. That was it. I'll go check on her." Sheila called..

"Have someone call security to go with them. I don't need my singer getting attacked by this clown all because he can't keep his dick in his pants," Doc said.

Paul turned around and snarled at the manager, immediately making the smaller man shut his mouth and look down at the ground. The singer ran to catch up with your boss trying to keep good thoughts in his head about the situation. He wasn't sure if he could handle seeing you locked together again like a few days before. Sheila stopped in front of an office door with your name on it and turned to face Paul, making him suck in a deep breath.

"Why don't you let me just handle these two? You go back down there with the guys and all bring them down after I have a heart to heart. I don't want a big scene to go down on my floor," Sheila asked..

"No, I'll stand outside the door and you can go in, but I'm not leaving you alone with that creep, either." The singer replied.

The woman rolled her eyes and knocked on the door three times before stepping back. Paul leaned his ear closer to the door, trying to make out any noises or voices, but there was nothing. Sheila reached down and grabbed the door handle, twisting it with no luck. Paul looked at the older woman, seeing the color drain from her face, as she tried the handle again with no luck.

"Y/N Are you in there? We are waiting for you to start this meeting." Sheila said calmly.

Paul looked at her and then back at the door, silently praying that you would open the door. Sheila pulled out her cell phone and punched in a number. The singer shook his head and ran a hand through his short shaggy hair, trying to calm his nerves down. Paul began banging on the door and jiggling the handle, hoping you would open, as he heard your boss's request.

"This is Sheila Matheron on floor 28. We need security up here for a situation. I have an employee that may be in danger." 

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