Chapter 40: A Gift for Izuku

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** Ochako's POV **

We arrived home and Deku didn't speak to us, instead, he carried all the bags. Deku's mom opened the door and was surprised to see Deku carrying those bags. "Izuku, do you need help with those bags," she asked, but he shook his head. He went upstairs with Eri behind him while Ms. Midoriya turned towards me. "Did something happen at the mall?" I nodded my head and explained everything to her. "Oh, I see... He's probably angry because you let your guard down," she explained, with a worried look.

Now that I think about it the kids were tearing up because that guy was about to attack me from behind. Deku came back and walked past us to the kitchen. "Let Izuku cool off for a little bit. And then, you could talk to him." I nodded my head and went up to my room. Suddenly, I received a phone call, I quickly answered without looking at the ID. "Hi, Ochako! How are you? Is Midoriya taking care of you," Mom asked, on the other side of the call.

"Hi, Mom! I'm doing good! What about you and Dad? Yeah, Midoriya is doing a great job taking care of me."

"We're doing good too! That's great news that Midoriya is doing a great job."

"We went to the mall to do some shopping and it was fun."

"Oh, that's good to hear, sweetie."

* 1 Hour Later *

We finally hung up the call and I threw my phone on the bed. I grabbed a little box and went to the kitchen where I saw Deku cooking. "Hey, Izuku... Do you have a minute," I asked, leaning against the table. "I'm all ears, Ochako. What's on your mind?" I took a deep breath while Deku focused on cooking. "Are you angry? If so, I'm sorry for letting my guard down," I apologized, looking down at my hands. "I'm not angry. I'm proud of you, Ochako."

I quickly look up to see him smiling at me. "But although you saved a couple of kids... You could've gotten hurt at the same time," Deku warned, breaking the wooden spoon that he was holding. "M-maybe you should calm down, Deku. I got you a gift." He took some deep breaths and got a new spoon. "Hmmm... Is this your way to ask for forgiveness? Or is it an actual gift that you got for me?"

"Hehe, it's an actual gift but also asking for your forgiveness."

"Pfft haha! How cute of you! I don't think you would do something like that."

"I'm a wild card full of surprises!"

"Haha, okay! But you didn't have to get me a gift," Deku said, turning off the stove. I pulled out the gift box and smiled then slid it over to him. "I wanted to and you can't refuse my gift." Deku takes it and opens it up carefully which makes me anxious. "I know it's not much... I just thought you might like it," I explained, fidgeting around. "I like it! It's perfect for any dangerous situations. But it's a Benchmade Triage 915 which is expensive."

I smiled at him and shook my head which caused him to flinch

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I smiled at him and shook my head which caused him to flinch. "Money is not a big deal for me. Plus, it's a perfect gift for a bodyguard... And I wanted to say thank you and that I'm grateful to have you as my bodyguard," I confessed, feeling my cheeks heating up. Deku turned around so I couldn't see his face but I could see that his ears were red. "U-umm... C-could y-you set up t-the t-table for me? T-the food is r-ready."

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