Chapter 8 : Call Me By My First Name

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** Ochako's POV **

Wow, he sure left in a hurry. My parents didn't get to tell him when to move in. "Dad, we didn't tell him when he gets to move in. Do you want me to catch up to him before he actually leaves," I asked my dad. "Sure, Sweet-Pea. Tell him to move in tomorrow in the afternoon since we need to prepare the rooms," he explained. I see my mom staring at me.

"Pumpkin, doesn't it bother you that he's not calling you by a nickname or your first name? Since your friends call you by a nickname. Might as well, tell him to call you by your first name."

It did bother me that he doesn't call me by a nickname or my first name. I'm going to tell him how I feel about names. I run out the door and see him getting in the car. I run toward his car and see him turning on the car. "Hey! Wait up," I yelled from afar. He turns his head and sees me running. How can he hear me if I'm so far away from him?

He turns off his car and gets out. He starts running toward me when I blink my eyes he was already in front of me. Wow, he's a fast runner. How did he get to me if he was just in his car? "What's wrong, Uraraka-san," he asked me with a worried face. I'm so winded of running that I had held up my finger telling him to give me a minute.

"I need to tell you something very important."

He gave me a weird look like I lost my mind. "Okay, what is it," he asked. "My dad told me to tell you that tomorrow in the afternoon move in with us since we need to prepare yours and your mom's room," I explained. "Oh, thanks for the information I'll tell that to my mom. Is that all," he asked me. I take a deep breath getting ready what I need to say.

"Yes, something has been bothering me... I hate that you call me by my last name... I want to call me something else."

I see him frozen in place. Ah, I said too much to him! How stupid of me to tell him that! "Then, what do you want me to call you by," he asked while blushing. Come on, tell him to use your first name since nobody calls you by that! He's waiting for you to answer, ya know! My subconscious keeps chanting those words in my head.

"I want you to call me by my first name."

I see his freckled cheeks turning pink. I'm just wasting his time. He needs to get home with his mom. I feel guilty for wasting his time. "O-okay, I'll k-keep that in m-mind, O-ochako," he said while stuttering. I felt my heart pounding after he said my first name. And my stomach felt a little funny.

"Ahem... It's only fair if you call me by my first name or nickname. Call me Izuku or Deku... The nickname was given by the people in my neighborhood. I personally don't like it but it's whatever. Have a good night, Ochako."

I was speechless about what he said. He runs to his car and sped away until I couldn't see him. Ah, I didn't wish him goodnight! And I need to ask him about his nickname.

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