Chapter 4 : Their Daughter

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** Izuku's POV **

I just sat there waiting for their daughter to come down here. I didn't even bother to look behind me. I can hear her footsteps from the stairs. But the problem is that she's wearing high heels. She can slip at any moment and fall down the stairs. I hear one of her high heels crack making her fall. I use my wolf speed and catch her in time.

I couldn't see her face clearly since her hair is in the way. "Are you okay, Miss? That could've been a nasty fall for you. I'll carry you to your parents since you have a broken heel," I said to her and carry her bridal style. While I carry to her parents I felt that she's a bit heavy. Maybe she's chubby and gaining weight. My heart pounds a little of the thought.

"Are you okay, Sweet-Pea?!"

"Are you hurt, Pumpkin?!"

I set her down between her parents on the couch. She kept her head down in embarrassment. "I'm fine since he caught me in time," she said while pointing at me. I blush a little since I'm not used to a girl talking about me. I felt awkward since her parents were staring at me. She moves her hair out of her face and looks up at me. "Thank you for saving me," she said with a smile.

"Aww, you're so cute! You have chubby cheeks I could hug you! Why hide if you're beautiful just the way you are. And you're welcome, Miss."

She stared at me with a red face. I notice that blurted out my words to her. I start blushing since her parents are glaring at me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that so casually. I have a soft spot for chubby girls," I said honestly. "Really? And why is that," Mr.Uraraka asked with suspicious. I start scratching the back of my head. Mr.Uraraka and Mrs.Uraraka waiting for my answer.

"My mom is a chubby lady. She used to be slim then she starts gaining weight. I don't care what flaws she has in the past or present. She's still my mom and I love her unconditionally."

They saw the way I talked about my mom. I blush in embarrassment since I don't really talk about my mom to a lot of people. "Do you have a picture of your mom with you," Miss asked me. I dig into my pocket to reach for my wallet. I open my wallet and pull out a picture of both of us. The picture was taken on my mom's birthday. It's both of us hugging each other.

I hand her my picture so she could see it. "Aww, how sweet of you. I wish I could meet your mom. She seems like a sweet lady. It would've been fun to have her here," Mrs.Uraraka said smiling at me. "Do you live with your mom," Mr.Uraraka asked me. "Yes, I do. Even though I'm old enough to move out," I answer without hesitation.

"My wife and I will talk in the other room while both of you get to know each other," Mr.Uraraka said. It was really awkward for both of us. I decided to break the ice since I'm hating the silence but she beat me to it. "Is it true what you said about me," she asked me. "Yes, I wasn't raised to be a liar. Miss, I never catch your name," I said.

"Oh, my name is Ochako Uraraka."

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