Chapter 10 : Your Name

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** Ochako's POV **

After hearing my parents just said I stood there speechless. How can they say that so casually? "I need a moment to try processing what you just said," I said to my parents. "Okay Sweet-Pea, take your time and come back when you're ready," my dad said. I go through the kitchen to get to the back door. I go outside and go to the double swing under the big tree in our backyard.

"Hey, have you thought which one to call me by? You had time to think about it. Also, you're acting like you won't see your parents ever again."

I turn and see him standing beside me. I still haven't thought about what to call him by. "Honestly, I don't know what to call you by. I'm going to lonely without my parents," I said. I see that he's starting at the seat next to me. I pat the seat telling him that he can sit there. He walks over the seat and sits. He started looking up at the sky.

"I know how it feels. I left my mom for 3 years but I always made sure to visit her. I remember the first time I brought two precious little ones who I had to raise. But, I'm not going to tell you at least not yet."

What does he mean by that? Does he have kids already? What happened to their mom? I have a lot of questions for him but I don't want to pry in his business. "So, about your nickname. What does Deku mean," I asked. "It means someone who can't do anything," he answered. Anger starts to boil up inside of me.

"How can they call you that nickname without knowing about your rough life?! To me, your nickname means one who can do anything!"

I turn and see him with a surprised face. Ah, I went overboard again! Why does it happen to me when I'm around him?! He probably thinks I'm weird. "I don't think you're weird, Ochako," he said. "Huh? Are you reading my thoughts," I asked. He chuckles thinking it's funny. "No, you said it out loud. I think it's cute," he said.

I start blushing of what he said. He finally realizes what he said to me and starts blushing, too. "I'm s-sorry. I s-shouldn't h-have s-said t-that," he apologized. "It's okay. You're a very blunt person," I said. "Yeah, I guess you can say that. You know, you haven't called by my name," he said with a smile.

Ah, I keep forgetting about that! "How about this: I'll call you Deku when we're alone and Izuku when our parents are around," I suggested. He thought for a moment debating my idea. "Hmm... Okay, I'm down as long I can call you by a nickname when we're alone," he said. "Okay, what is it," I asked.

"I'll tell you when I'm done making something sweet for you."


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