Chapter 28 : Bakugou's Anger

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** Izuku's POV **

* Early In The Morning *

I woke up and went out of my tent to do a quick stretch on my limbs. I shifted to my wolf form and started running through the woods. I really hope Rosy or Bakugou don't look for me since I'm on my morning run. "Hmm, we should go swimming in the lake. It could be fun since it'll be hot," I said to myself. I continue my refreshing morning run.

* 1 Hour Later *

"Hey, where's Izuku?"

"I'm here! I just went out for a morning run!"

I wave my arm from afar so they can see me. I'm really sweaty so I'm shirtless and exposing my scars. Rosy runs up to me and hugs me without realizing I'm a sweaty shirtless man. "Umm... Rosy, I'm all sweaty and shirtless. Can you let go of me," I asked nervously. She lets go of me and I notice that her clothes got a little wet.

"Eww, you're all sweaty! Now, I have to change my clothes!"

"Hehe, come back here so I can hug you."

"No! Go wash up or something then I'll let you hug me!"

"Well, there's a lake over there. We can go to the lake. It's nice and clean."

Mom smiled at the idea while Kaya and Baiza hugged me without caring that I'm all sweaty. "Sure, that sounds like fun! What do you say Ochako and Bakugou," Mom asked. I know that Bakugou will refuse her so I had an idea. "Mom, don't bother asking that old timer since he can't swim if his life depends on it," I said while glaring at him.

"Hah!? What the fuck did you just say, Deku?! Repeat the bullshit again!"

"I only say things once. Plus, you're telling me to repeat myself which means you're a stupid old fart."

Bakugou started trembling so I took the chance to run inside my tent and change into my swimming shorts. "Deku... You better run and pray that you'll make it out alive," he sneered. I should add more fuel into his fire so he'll actually chase me to the lake. "Oops, call someone to help this old man's anger issue! Make sure they have a wheelchair with them," I yelled.

"Deku... You better fucking run right now."

"Save yourself while you still can! He's going to blow up!.. Wait, the old man can't run! He's going to need his wheelchair to catch up!"

"Okay! That's it! You're fucking getting it!"

I bolted out of my tent before Bakugou could grab me. I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me. I started increasing my speed leaving him in my dust. I made it to the lake and climbed to a tree. I see Bakugou running so I prepared myself to swing off a branch. He stops at the edge of the lake so I swing off the branch and kick him into the lake.

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