Chapter 31 : Sick Rosy

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** Izuku's POV **

* 2 Months Later *

Rosy started avoiding me ever since she sang her song on our camping trip. It must've been her "confession" that made her shy around me. "Ochako, your lunch is ready! Come and get it since you didn't eat breakfast," I called out. Rosy would run into the kitchen to get her plate of food and take it then leave to avoid me. But she didn't come to the kitchen in the morning so I assumed that she's sleeping in.

* 20 Minutes Later *

Rosy still hasn't come to get her lunch and I'm starting to get worried. I take off my apron and go to Rosy's room. "Rosy, are you okay? I'm really worried," I called out while knocking on her bedroom door. I didn't hear anything so I turned the door knob and the door was unlocked. I walked into her room and didn't see Rosy on her bed but I can smell her. I was going to turn around until I was jumped by someone.

I was pinned on the floor and saw Rosy on top of me with a red face. "W-what a-are y-you d-doing," I stuttered. My face probably looks like a tomato but Rosy didn't say anything. "Deku, why does your face look like a tomato? But you look so cute," she flirted. I quickly sit up while she sits on my lap. I placed my hand on her forehead and felt that it was hot. She slowly leans in towards me with a smile.

"Rosy, I think you have a fever! You should be in bed right now!"

"Ohh, no wonder I feel cold. Can you be the one to warm me up?"

"Rosy, I don't think you're in the right mindset! And for some reason you're very flirty!"

"Deku, I really like you."

She grabbed my shoulders to push me down and press her body against mine. Her breathing was heavy and unstable but she sat up. "Deku, I know you heard me. I really like you because you're so kind, caring, considerate, loving, and mysterious. Those are the reasons why I really like you," she confessed. I'm overheating by her being on top of me and her sweet confession.

"Aww, that's really sweet, Rosy. But I really think that you should be in bed because you have a-"

She pressed her lips against mine which surprised me a lot. I felt sparks running through my body and the kiss was soft. But Rosy started nibbling my bottom lip which triggered something inside of me. I flip her over and start kissing her aggressively. I bit her bottom lip softly and she gasped so I took the chance to slip my tongue in her mouth. We started fighting for dominance and I won since Rosy started pushing me.

I slowly pulled away and our breathing was heavy from what happened. "Rosy, you shouldn't have done that because you're sick. Can you go to bed while I make you a nice warm soup for you," I whispered. She hides her face on my chest and nods her head. Rosy wraps her arms around me and I hug her back. I slowly get up with Rosy in my arms and carry her to place her on the soft bed.

* 30 Minutes Later *

I was on my way to Rosy's room until Mom stopped me. "Izuku, what happened to your lips?! They're a little swollen," she exclaimed. I blush crimson and avoid eye contact with her. "Well, Ochako is sick so I made her soup but I accidentally burned myself while taking a sip of the hot soup. Don't worry I'll be okay," I blurted out. She eyed me suspiciously but I walked away from her so I could serve the soup to Rosy.

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