Chapter 9 : Moving Day

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** Izuku's POV **

The Next Day

My mom and I woke up really early so we can start packing our things. We didn't own a lot of things. Some of the things we own are going the pawn so we can get some money. "Izuku, do we only need our clothes," my mom asked me. "Well, our room is decorated how we like it so we'll take those things with us. And we can decorate it again in our new room," I explained.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Kaya and Baiza came to visit last night. They were happy to see me but disappointed at the same time. Because you weren't here with me and I don't know how they manage to come here unseen."

I froze I place not believing of what they did last night. "Well, it's nice of them to visit us. I feel relief that you weren't alone here," I said. "That's true, we're going camping to visit them on Friday and leave on Sunday. I promised them and there's no way to back out now," my mom said. Oof, I remember the first time I broke a promise to them.

"Okay, we'll go visit them. But I don't know if Ochako is open on camping," I said. I know Kaya and Baiza will get jealous if I bring someone other than my mom. "Mom, are we going to the pawnshop and sell the things we don't need," I asked. "Yeah, let's get it inside the car and go," she said. I start picking up the heavy objects while my mom picks up the light objects.

*1 Hour Later*

Finally, we came out of the shady pawnshop with ¥26,490 in our hands. "Mom, let's go back to the apartment and get our things so we can go to the Uraraka's home. Plus, it's almost noon," I said while looking at the clock. We get in the car, get to our old apartment, and grab our things. It's going to be a long ride to get to Ochako's place for my mom.

*2 Hours Later*

"Mom, wake up. We're here," I said. I shake my mom gently. My mom opens her eyes and yawns while stretching her limbs. "Hey Sweetie, how come you're not tired after that long drive,"  she asked. "I guess you can say it's part of my werewolf genes. Come on, let's meet the Urarakas. They're waiting for us inside. Don't worry, I put out things in our room," I said.

"Midoriya, is she your mom?! Come in, we want to meet her!"

We got inside the house and my mom starts to look around. "Hello, my name is Akiko Uraraka. My husband's name is Kaito Uraraka and our daughter is Ochako Uraraka. Nice to meet you," Mrs.Uraraka introduced the family. "Hello, my name is Inko Midoriya. Nice to meet you, too," my mom introduced herself. I remembered to ask them about us going to camping.

"Oh right, we forgot to mention that we'll be leaving tonight. That's why we asked you to come today. And we don't know when we'll come back. But, we know our daughter is in good hands."


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