Chapter 21 : Swimsuit or Bikini

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Author's Note: I'm slowly losing my mind when it comes to homework and testing! Anyway, I noticed that you guys are asking me if I read Webtoon and the answer is yes! Because I'm a nerd who reads mangas, comics, books and watches a lot of anime haha! Also, someone complimented me in the comments and I'm flattered since I'm not used to having that kind of compliment! I'm a shy person!
* Ochako's POV **

After Deku left my room I quickly get up from my bed. I hope I didn't say or do anything embarrassing other than sleep talking and grabbing Deku. I keep getting flashbacks of him on my bed. I go to my mirror and see my face. I'm so flustered! Deku is such an amazing person. He had a tough time and he's still fighting even though he's so happy.

"I should start packing since we'll be leaving soon. Hmm... I'm guessing that we'll be going to the forest."

* 15 Minutes Later *

It was a little hard to find some clothes for this camping trip but I've managed to find some. Good thing that I have some skinny jeans, shorts, T-shirts, and tank tops. I hope it's good enough since camping is an active activity. Should I pack a swimsuit or a two-piece bikini? I mean there are lakes in the forest.

I should try them on before packing one of them. I stripped down and tried on the swimsuit first. Oh no, it's so tight on me and I can't breathe much! I guess I put up a few pounds. The swimsuit is cute but it doesn't fit me anymore. I sighed and took off the swimsuit. I put on the two-piece bikini and I start blushing since I don't wear them.

"Ochako, breakfast is ready! We're having chocolate chip pancakes!"

Deku is making me gain weight with his sweets! But it's so hard to resist his cooking! I quickly look myself in the mirror. The bikini fits me perfectly even though I gained some weight. I can't wear the swimsuit because it doesn't fit me and the bikini fits me but I'm so insecure when my body is exposed.

"Ochako, the pancakes are so good! You're missing out! Or do you want me to bring them to you?!"

No, I can't let Deku see me like this! It's so embarrassing! I quickly took the bikini off and put on some clothes. I shove the bikini in my suitcase and ran downstairs. I tripped my own feet and I waited for the impact but it never came. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me so I open my eyes and see Deku.

"Ochako, be careful! That could've been a nasty fall! Good thing that I caught you just in time! You're so clumsy but it's cute!"

I noticed that we're on the floor. So that means I'm on top of him! I sit up and see Deku blushing. He looks like a tomato! It hit me when I noticed our position! I started blushing just like Deku. "I'm so s-sorry! A-are you o-okay, I-Izuku?! L-let me j-just g-get up," I exclaimed while getting off of him.

"I-it's o-okay, O-Ochako! It w-was an a-accident! W-we s-should e-eat breakfast r-right n-now!"

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