Chapter 22 : Awkward

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Author's Note: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo están ustedes? ¡Espero que ustedes estén bien! I have been busy with school and writing my new story. The new story is...interesting. You can find it in my profile and it's called "The Bad Boys With Tainted Hearts"!
** Izuku's POV **

I go to the kitchen while Rosy goes to the dining room. My mom already had her breakfast so she's in her room packing. I bring mine and Rosy's pancakes to the table. I don't make any eye contact with her. I sit down and start eating slowly. I look up and see Rosy playing with her pancakes. She's still blushing from what happened.

The atmosphere is so awkward. We haven't said a word for the past few minutes. Literally, the atmosphere is so thick that it can be cut with a knife. One of us has to break the silence. "Rosy, what's wrong with the pancakes? If you don't want it then I can make something else for you. Breakfast is the important meal of the day," I said.

"The pancakes are fine there's no need to cook for me again! I'm sorry for playing with my pancakes!"

That's cute of her. "It's okay, Rosy. You don't need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong," I reassured her. She let out a sigh of relief and start eating. "Wow, the pancakes are so fluffy and the chocolate is so gooey," she exclaimed. I just blush a little since she praises me too much. She must really like my cooking and baking.

"Izuku, I'm all packed and ready to go! Ochako, you should bring your suitcase if you've packed already when you're finished eating."

She blushed and quickly finish eating before I can say a word. What got her so flustered? I get her plate and went to the kitchen. I began to wash dishes and I hear footsteps. "Izuku, can we talk for a minute," my mom asked. "Sure, just let me finish washing up here," I replied. I didn't have a lot of dishes to wash so I finished after a few minutes.

"What is it, Mom?"

"When am I going to have grandchildren?"


"What did you just say," I asked. Am I hearing this right? "I want to have grandchildren," she said. My face slowly starts heating up. "Mom, why you're saying that," I asked. This is way more awkward than before! "Izuku, it's perfectly normal," she said. "Yeah, I know that, Mom. But, you already know my response," I replied.

"Oh, Izuku, just because you're a werewolf doesn't mean you won't find love. There's probably at least one crazy girl somewhere out there. Plus, you're a total husband material to a bunch of girls."

I couldn't help but give a small smile to my mom. "Mom, just because I'm a 'total husband material' doesn't mean that I'll get married right away. I'm going to get my suitcase from my room," I said. I get out of the kitchen and go to my room. I turn into my werewolf form since I felt my energy draining a little.

"Izuku, we're ready to go!"

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