Chapter 2 : The Potential Person

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** Ochako's POV **

"Sweet-Pea, you need a bodyguard to take care of you. So, I posted an ad on the internet."

I didn't say anything to my dad. My parents need to go on a business trip for who knows how long. I can't even go with them on this trip. "Dad, why would you let a stranger protect me? I'm already an adult I can take care of myself. Who knows what will happen to me," I said. "Pumpkin, you already know the answer," my mom answered.


"Wow, someone has answered the ad. Let's see who is it," my dad said. I went to get a closer look at the laptop. I can't believe someone actually answered this stupid ad. The profile didn't have much information on this person. He just gave his name, picture, and education background. I look at his picture he does have a nice built body.

"Hmm... He doesn't give much information about him. Oh! The bottom of the profile says he wishes to meet us in person. This boy has guts I'll give him that."

"Really, Dad. Mom, say something about this," I whined. My mom takes a look at the profile. "Let's invite him over. He can bring someone with him. He seems like a nice person," she said. My jaw dropped in shock for the response she gave. "Why?! Mom, this person is a stranger! Stranger danger! There's something shady about him," I yelled at her.

"Ochako Uraraka! You can't just assume that he's suspicious without getting to know him! We are inviting him over and that's final. Who knows he might be a potential person we're looking for."

I didn't say anything about it. My mom can be really scary when she's mad. "Hubby, can you send him the address, date, and time for him to get here," she asked my dad sweetly. "Okay, Wifey. Anything for you," my dad sweetly responded to her. I envy my parents' relationship it's so pure and sweet. I wish to find someone who will love me.

"Sweet-Pea, I noticed the way you see us. I'm sure that you'll find someone who will love you. Also, you have gotten cuter since you got chubbier."

I got confused about what was my dad was talking about. I lift up my shirt and notice that the button of my shorts is about to burst. "Oh my God, I need to work out since you invited the potential bodyguard over," I panicked. I haven't been working out for some time now. "What's wrong of being chubby? Your mom was chubby at your age," he said.

"Nobody likes chubby people, Dad. Everybody judges you based on appearance instead of your personality," I said while lowing my head. "Don't be so down on yourself, Sweet-Pea. I know there's going to be someone who loves you for who you are. Also, you don't have time since he's coming tomorrow,"  he said while leaving. "Dad," I yelled at him.

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