Chapter 39 : Frustration

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WARNING!! This chapter has a lot of strong languages (cussing)! It's very detailed about smoking and it mentions cancer! I suggest that you don't smoke because it's bad for your health and I'm sure someone wants you to live your life. Contact help for those people who wants to quit smoking and for those whose lives may be in danger.
** ???'s POV **

This is so fucking frustrating! I've been trying to take out the Urarakas ever since their company took off. Luck is always on their sides because every attempt results in a fail. I hired an assassin to be a chef for the Uraraka just to poison them and the task was so simple. He failed the mission and that bastard is in super-maximum security prison. I tried a different tactic by having one of my people place a bomb in the helicopter so they die in the explosion.

But the mission blew into another failure because someone found the bomb and disable it. I have a watchman spy on the Urarakas' house but I haven't heard from him in months. "Argh! Why is this so fucking frustrating?! It shouldn't be hard to kill a couple of rich people! Why does Master want the Urarakas to be killed specifically?! And where the fuck is that stupid watchman?!" Suddenly the door opened and I turned to see the watchman standing there.

"Fucking finally! Where the fuck were you these past few months? I'll be damned if you don't have any information for me! Now tell me what you got!"

"I'm very sorry, Boss! It was very difficult to get any information. The Urarakas are very careful people. They hired a bodyguard for their daughter before they went overseas."

"Oh, really? Maybe that explains why the bomb mission failed. He probably found it and disable it. But how was he able to disable the bomb?"

"He's very careful, too. There were times that I felt like I was going to get caught by him. He's very sharp and clever."

This guy is the definition of a perfect bodyguard! He sounds like a person who's ten steps ahead of me. That bastard is in the way and making my job a lot harder. "Boss, there was something interesting I saw the other day. You might want to hear this," the watchman said, pulling a file and handing it to me. I opened the file and saw a couple of pictures but the pictures didn't show any faces. "I'm sorry, Boss. I could've taken better photos but that's what I can get."

There was one picture that caught my attention. It's the one that the bodyguard has someone pinned down. "Who is this person being pinned down," I asked, pointing at the picture. "I'm not sure, Boss. I can have someone look into it for you. But it'll probably take a few days since no faces are showing. Is that okay with you, Boss?" I nodded my head and dismissed him while he bowed down and left my office with the picture. This is stressing the hell out of me.

I took out a cigarette and lit it up. I inhaled in the cigarette and blew the smoke out. I started to relax a little by each time I inhaled it. And after I finished the cigarette I stubbed it out in an ashtray then took another cigarette out. I lit it up and inhaled it but then someone opened the door. "Ugh, can't I smoke in peace? What do you want," I asked, inhaling the cigarette and blowing the smoke. I didn't bother looking at the person and continued smoking.

"Boy, I want you to stop smoking because that shit smells awful. You're fucking up your lungs."

"I don't fucking care. I'm not stopping because I'm so fucking stressed out and I need to relax."

The cigarette was pulled out of my mouth and then stubbed out in the ashtray. "What good are you to me when you get cancer?" I turn my head and see Master with a disappointed look. "Did you know that the Urarakas hired a bodyguard for their daughter? He's in the way and he's very careful and clever," I said, facing Master with a glare. "Hm, that's interesting... Don't worry, I'll think of something to destroy the Urarakas and that bodyguard."

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