Chapter 15 : Leaving

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** Ochako's POV **

My parents were surprised by Deku's order about going camping. Today's Wednesday and my parents are leaving meaning I have two days to pack. "Oh, will you look at the time we need to start packing," my mom shrieked. My mom runs into the house dragging my dad with her. Okay then, I'll help Deku packing his weapons in the box.

"Izuku, I'm going to help her parents pack while you put your weapons away."

Deku's mom went to help my parents while I start picking up Deku's weapons off the grass. "Rosy, you don't have to help me," he said. "I want to help you, Deku," I said with a smile. He turns his head so I don't see his face. But I see his ear turning red when I smiled at him. I want to tease him so badly. Whatever, I'm going to tease him.

I walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck. His face turns red as a tomato. "Am I making you nervous, Deku," I flirted. I've seen movies that when a girl flirts with a guy. The guy's eyes become lustful. But Deku's eyes didn't do that his reaction was different. Suddenly, Deku grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I love your arms around my neck and I get to have them all to myself."

Deku let go of me and give me a kiss on the forehead. I feel my face burning up after what happened. I just stood there while he finished picking up everything. "Rosy, we need to get inside before it gets dark," Deku called out from the door. I keep remembering when he flirted with me and had me in his arms. My cheeks burn up when I remember.

I go into the house and walk toward the living room. I see my parents with their suitcases. "Dad, are you going take the helicopter," I asked. "Sure thing, Sweet-Pea! We'll get to our destination faster," he answered. I start to feel sad that my parents are leaving me behind. My dad noticed my reaction to them leaving me.

"Sweet-Pea, I know it's sad for you and it's sad for us, too. You're not alone you have Midoriya, his mom, and your friends. We can always call or video chat you."

He's right about me not being alone. I have other people around me. "Okay, we have a few minutes before we leave," my mom said. Deku walks in the living room with a bomb in his hand. "Midoriya, why do you have a bomb in your hand," my mom screamed. "Oh, I found this in the helicopter. Don't worry, I've disabled it before you can take off," he said.

"Dad, let's all go together," I suggested. "We can't do that. Don't worry we'll disguise ourselves so we'll go unnoticed," he said. "Midoriya, what are you going to do with that bomb," my dad asked him. "I'm keeping it for an emergency, " he answered. My dad didn't say anything to him. "Wifey, are you ready to go," my dad asked. "Yes, let's go," she answered.

"Bye, everyone! We'll call you when we land!"


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