Chapter 43 : Kidnapped : Part 2

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** Izuku's POV **

I didn't dare to repeat myself after I told them my secret. "Midoriya, you sound a little ridiculous... There's no such thing as werewolves," Mrs. Midoriya said, not believing me. "Well, it's rare to meet a supernatural person... We're welcome to come back to see for yourselves but I need to save your daughter." I hung up the call and let out a stressed sigh. I need to come with a plan since I have to go with the kidnapper's terms. Suddenly, I came up with the perfect plan.

I ran to my room and started gearing to save Rosy. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought that I looked like an assassin. I started stuffing weapons into a backpack and grabbed two katanas that were hidden. I grabbed the backpack and an empty duffle bag then ran downstairs. I started stuffing a few things into the duffle bag and made a list of the things that need to be replaced. I went to the living room to tell Mom about the plan.

"Alright, Baiza is going to stay here while Kaya is going with me. Baiza will be the one protecting you and Eri. Kaya will distract the guards if there's any insight. Got that, Mom?"

"... Y-yes, I understand."

"Before I forget, here's a list of things that need to be replaced... Okay, we'll be going now. I love you guys."

"Be careful, Izuku. We love you, too."

I walked out of the mansion and shifted into wolf form. I picked up Rosy's scent and grabbed the bags with my mouth. I started following Rosy's scent while Kaya followed me behind. I also picked up the kidnappers' scent as we ran. I hope that it doesn't rain otherwise the scents will fade away. Kaya started picking up her pace as I did the same. There must be an abandoned building somewhere in the woods. Suddenly, Rosy's scent slowly started getting stronger.

* 20 Minutes Later *

We were a decent distance from the abandoned building where the kidnappers are keeping Rosy. Then we ran around the building maintaining a decent distance. I shifted back and strapped the katana against my back. "Okay, we saw a few guards at the entrance but there are no guards at the exit. Kaya, go distract the guards while I take them out," I explained, pulling a tranquilizer gun out of the bag. Kaya went to distract the guards while I positioned myself to shoot.

I see the guards looking at Kaya so I quickly shoot them one by one. Kaya came back and I patted her head. "You did good, Kaya. Go around to be on the lookout but be careful," I said, hugging her. I run past the guards and quietly open the doors. I hide in the dark corner to avoid being seen. I start checking the area to see if there are any guards. The area seems empty but something's not right about this.

"Well well, sneaking around and knocking out my guards. You didn't break any of my terms so I'll allow it."

I didn't say anything to the kidnapper and kept myself hidden. "The silent one, huh? I would introduce myself but you're here for your girl," he said, snapping his fingers. The lights turned on and I could see the kidnapper standing by himself. "... You talk too much for a kidnapper. Where is she?" He stepped aside then I saw Rosy sitting on a chair tied up. My blood began to boil again but I need to remain calm to not expose myself.

"Let her go! She didn't do anything wrong!"

"You don't get to order me around! My master is the one behind all this. Also, why don't you join us?.. What do you say?"

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