Chapter 49 : Happy Reunion

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** Ochako's POV **

I was surprised to see Eri hugging Deku while he looked shocked. "I'm just so happy that I get to hug you again, Daddy," Eri cried, squeezing him. "Me too, Sweetie. I missed you guys." Deku hugs back and picks her with ease. He goes over to his mom who's been quietly crying from a short distance. "Hi, Mom, I'm so sorry. But at least I graduated from college," Deku smiled sadly, hugging her. She hugs him back and stops crying to calm down. "W-well, I'm proud of you, Son. Did you decide on a career path that you want to take?"

I remember him saying that he never thought about any careers. "Oh yeah, I remember you said that you had a slim career choice since you didn't have a college degree. Did you finally choose a career path that you want to take," I asked, crossing my arms. They let go of each other and Deku walked over to me which made me flinch. "Aww, someone's a little angry. I see the steam coming out of your cute ears," he teased, booping my nose. I couldn't help but blush from his teasing and raised my hand at him but he caught it. "Oh, two times in a row, Ochako."

He lets go of me and puts Eri down on the ground then wraps his arms around me. I didn't give in to his hug but he didn't let me go instead he hugged me tighter. "I'm not going to let you go until you give in," he whispered in my ear, squeezing me even tighter. "You're impossible, Izuku. But I'm glad that you're well and alive." I gave in and hugged him back then he loosened his hug. We let go of each other and then Deku stumbled a bit which made us worry about him. "Are you okay, Izuku," I questioned, grabbing his hand. He didn't say anything but shook his head.

"I'm not okay... You wounded me, Ochako."

"... I wounded you? How?"

"Yes, you wounded me... You didn't say that you missed me."


I couldn't help but blush again while he smirks and winks at me. "Y-You c-can't just say that," I stuttered, slapping his chest. "Aww, you're blushing, Ochako. I still affect you. You should just say that you missed me." My face heated up more in embarrassment while everyone else chuckled. I don't want to say it but I've missed him a lot. "... Fine... I missed you, too, Izuku," I admitted, smiling at him. "Yeah, I'm glad you guys are okay." He went over to Mom and Dad to apologize and shake their hand.

Everyone looks happy that Deku is back and alive. "Oh, Eri, I got you something special," he said, going over to his keyboard piano. Deku pulls out a candy apple and Eri's eyes glow in joy to see a candy apple. "You remember my favorite sweet! Thank you, Daddy!" Eri looks so happy to receive a candy apple from her dad. "Of course, I remember. I made it especially for you," Deku said, patting her head. "Hey, how come you gave her sweets and not us?" Mom and Dad eyed me with disapproval looks and I just shrugged them off.

"Can you blame me? I miss his cooking."

"I don't blame you, Ochako. Everyone loves my cooking."

Deku sounded a little cocky but he does have a point. "We're missing a couple of bears," I pointed out, opening the fence's door. Kaya and Baiza were waiting and came inside then saw Deku. They stood there frozen staring at him and Deku didn't say anything to them. "Hey Kaya, Baiza! How are you guys?" They charged towards him but he shifted into his wolf form and growled at them. Deku's wolf form is so huge that Kaya and Baiza stopped charging towards him.

Deku looks scary when he's growling in his wolf form. "That's much better," he said, sitting down. Kaya and Baiza gave Deku a hug and Eri couldn't resist hugging him, too. "Izuku, you didn't answer our question about your career path." He lowered his ears and apologized to his mom. "I'll be part of the Interpol... I have a question for Ochako... Will you go out with me? I promise to make you happy," Deku said, shifting to his human form. "... Yes, of course!" I started to tear up and jumped into his arms and we shared a kiss.

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