Chapter 16 : Her Friends

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Author: Hey guys! I'm alive, haha! I was thinking to do a Q&A session! Since school is such a pain. You guys get to ask me questions and I'll answer them! Doesn't that sound fun?! Anyways, I'll probably publish a few chapters around Thanksgiving time! Since I owe you a lot for reading my IzuOcha story!


** Izuku's POV **

I feel a little bit better after getting in my werewolf form overnight. If I stay in my human form for a really long time then my energy will drain down and automatically go into wolf form. I can't let Rosy see or know about it. I look at my scars and remember how I got them. My room smelled a little funky then realize I was the one who smelled.

*30 Minutes Later*

I got out of the shower and put on black basketball shorts. I start drying my hair, wolf ears, and tail with a towel. I didn't bother brushing them since they're curly and fluffy. My mom likes to play with my tail because it's soft. The doorbell rings I quickly shifted back to human form. The problem is the doorbell keeps ringing.

I didn't have time to put on a shirt or hoodie to cover my scars. I went downstairs shirtless. "Hey, who keeps ringing the damn doorbell," I questioned. I look up and see Rosy and some other girls. Wow, this is awkward for us. "Oh my god, who is this, Chako," one of them screamed. Rosy didn't answer since she's checking me out and blushing.

"I'm going to put on a shirt and come back here."

*5 Minutes Later*

I go back downstairs then I hear the girls whispering. "Hey, did you see those abs? He's hot but cute at the same time. Do you think he's single," one blurted out. Rosy's friends are interesting people to meet. I want to know what Rosy thinks of me. Since one of her friends asked about me. So I hid and waited for her answer.

"I don't know much about him. He has this mysterious aura around him. He's capable of cooking and protecting the people around him. I don't know his relationship status because he told me that he has two precious ones."

They were silent for a moment. "He's has kids already but he's so young! He's probably about around our age," they yelled at Rosy. They continue to question her until I decided to step in. "Ladies, calm down it's too early for this kind of noise," I said. Their stomachs rumble of hunger. They all blush in embarrassment.

"Looks like everyone is hungry. I could whip up something for you," I said. I went to the kitchen and put on an apron. I start to think about what to serve them. "Are any of you vegetarian," I asked. "No, we're not," they reply. Okay then, I'll make a fluffy souffle omelet for them. "Come to the kitchen so you can watch me cook. It'll take a few minutes," I called out.

 It'll take a few minutes," I called out

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(Credits: Food Wars)

They all took a bite and were surprised by it. "Wow, it melts in your mouth. It's so fluffy and bouncy. This is so delicious," they exclaimed. "Thank you and you're welcome. We haven't introduced ourselves," I said. "Can we do it later? I can't stop eating," said the one with black spikey hair. "Sure, I don't mind," I replied. I finish my food in one go. And waited for them to finish.

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