Chapter 27 : Kaya and Baiza : Part 2

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry! I was so busy with all my classwork for the end of the school year and I needed to take a break of writing since I was so worn out. But I wanted to write "The Bad Boys With Tainted Hearts" for a little bit. But I will continue to write both stories since I'm on my summer break. Yay! :)

** Ochako's POV **

* Few Minutes Earlier *

My heart was beating so fast when the green wolf was being chased by the two bears. "Tch, dumb green wolf... He's probably going to get killed because there are two bears and one of him," Bakugou sneered. I frowned at him when he said that but the wolf can outsmart the bears. I really hope the wolf is okay.

"I think it's safe for us to go out since the wolf protected us."

"Wait, where the hell is that  idiot?"

"Don't tell me that Izuku is on the dark side of the woods."

We started calling out for Deku but he wouldn't respond. I start getting worried about him since he's not coming or answering back. I started to feel something warm running down my cheeks. "W-where's I-Izuku," I choked out. I hear a lot of crushing leaves and rustling from the bushes.

"Don't worry! I'm right here, guys!"

I quickly wipe my tears so I turn around and see him waving at us. Bakugou ran towards him ready to punch him but Deku caught it. "Aww, you missed me already, kacchan. It only passed a few minutes," Deku teased. Bakugou was going to say something but the same two bears appeared. "Oh my goodness, Kaya and Baiza it's so good to see you again," Ms.Midoriya exclaimed.

I'm so confused since Ms.Midoriya just casually greeted the bears. I took a better look at the bears and noticed that one is black while the other one is pure white. "Ochako and Bakugou, the black bear is Kaya and the white bear is Baiza. They're sisters! Isn't it cute that they stick together," Deku said.

"What?! They're sisters!?"

"Yup, they're Kermode bears or Spirit bears but you really considered the white ones a spirit bear. But it's really rare to find a white bear just like Baiza. Want to hear the crazy thing?"


Baiza came closer to me so I held out my hand. "They're not from here," Deku said. Baiza sniffed my hand and she gave me her paw. "Aww, nice to meet you, Baiza! The same goes for you, Kaya! You guys must be hungry," I smiled. I knew that we had a lot of fish since Deku caught an insane amount. Kaya and Baiza seem really sweet.

"Am I really the only one that thinks this is fucking crazy!?"

Kaya suddenly got on her two feet and wrapped her arms around Bakugou. I quickly took my camera out and took a photo of them. "Aww, I think she likes you," I laughed. Bakugou couldn't say anything since Kaya is hugging him. Baiza got on her two feet and hugged me. I couldn't help but hug her back. Suddenly I hear a couple of clicking noises. 

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