Chapter 44 : Kidnapped : Part 3

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** Izuku's POV **

I didn't say anything then started laughing at the none-sense he spotted out. He glared at me and gritted his teeth. "Haha, that was so funny! You could've been a comedian instead of a crook," I laughed, but not letting my guard down. "Shut the hell up! You didn't answer my fucking question!" I calmed down and gave him a cold glare. "Hell no. Why would I join you to become a crook," I asked, crossing my arms. He doesn't say anything and takes a few steps closer to me.

"You're not getting the full picture here. We have jobs such as drug possession, kidnapping, and robbery. You earn a lot of cash and you'll be all over the news for the most wanted criminal." I didn't say anything and clenched my jaw trying to control my anger. This guy is really good at pushing my buttons. Is this some kind of trick to get me to shift out of anger? "You told me to come here to get the girl not to have a chat with you," I said, tapping my finger against my arm.

"How rude of you. It's important to greet the guest and have a chat with them. Wouldn't you say the same thing?"

"You sure like to talk a lot. I'm just here for the girl and nothing else."

"Such an impatient person. Why can't you wait until your girl wakes up."

"No need. I can carry her after the exchange."

The kidnapper pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. He starts smoking and turns around walking towards Rosy. "Wake up and smell the cigarette, girl! Your bodyguard is here," he yelled, waving the cigarette in front of her. "What the hell are you doing?! You can't just wave a cigarette in front of her!" Rosy starts coughing and raises her head. Her eyes looked terrified when she looked around then relaxed a little when she saw me.

"S-save me, Izu-"

I quickly shushed her and she slowly nodded her head. "Hey, you were going to say his name. Weren't you," he asked, grabbing her face. Rosy glares at him and snorts then spit on his face. "Ugh, you dumb bitch! You shouldn't have done that!" The kidnapper raises his hand to slap Rosy so I take the chance to grab him before he can hit her. I throw him across the room and start checking on Rosy. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you," I asked, cutting the tied-up ropes.

"I'm okay. Just a little shaken up." I nodded my head then I heard a couple of steps and pulled out a katana. "Hey, that's not fair! You're not playing by my rules! You're in my turf," he yelled, coughing up a little bit of blood. "You're the one to blame since you let your guard down." The kidnapper snaps his fingers then a girl shows up with combat knives. "Oooh, they're cute! Why didn't you tell me there's a guy here," she asked, staring at me while blushing.

"Shut up, it doesn't matter. Since you'll be fighting with the girl's bodyguard."

"Hehe, this is exciting! It's like we were meant to be! You'll look a lot cuter with blood on you!"

"Go for it and have fun."

The girl ran towards me and I threw my katana at her but she dodged it. I came up with a plan then she threw her knife at me. I pretended to not see it and felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. I let out a groan then the girl hugged me thinking that she won. "The joke's on you," I said, and she falls to the ground. The kidnapper and Rosy saw a tranquilizer dart on her stomach. Suddenly, there's a certain scent that I haven't smelled in a while.

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