Chapter 7 : Cooking For The Urarakas

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** Izuku's POV **

After the police arrested the chef and left we all went back inside the house. I went to the kitchen and put on an apron. I turn around and see Uraraka-san standing there. "Do you need something, Uraraka-san? You're just standing there like you need something," I said. She just stares at me I couldn't help but blush a little bit. She starts to fidget like she's afraid to ask something.

"I w-want to h-help. L-let me h-help y-you c-cook."

I stare at her I shock while she's blushes in embarrassment. "How sweet of you. But, I don't need your help with this dish that I'll cook, it will take an hour. Since four of us are eating but you can watch me cook," I said. "Will there be any dessert," she asked. "Yes, there is. I just don't know what's the dessert going to be. Do you have any ideas," I asked.


I look at her and see her smiling at me. She must really like Mochi. I have to keep that in mind. "Uraraka-san, do you or your parents have any allergies that I should be aware of," I asked her. "No, we don't have any allergies," she answered. "Okay, I'll start looking for the ingredients and the equipment that I need," I said.

*1 Hour and 30 Minutes Later*

Okay, I'm done cooking the meals and making the desserts I just need to set the table. I go to the dining room and see the table is already set. "I knew you were going to finish cooking any time soon. So, I decided to set the table for you," Uraraka-san said. "Oh, thank you. Well then help me bring the food to the table," I said.

She helps me bring food to the table. Then she calls her parents to the dining room. "The food smells wonderful. What did you make, Midoriya," Mrs.Uraraka asked. Before I can answer I pull out a chair for Uraraka-san. She smiles at me and sits on the chair. I push the chair in and Mr.Uraraka did the same for Mrs.Uraraka.

"I wish I had more time to cook more food. But, the food I made is an imitation of roast pork and some Mochi. Enjoy your meal."

(Credits: Food Wars)

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(Credits: Food Wars)

They cut a slice of the roast pork and take a bite of it. "Oh my goodness! This is so delicious! So many flavors hit you at once," Mrs.Uraraka exclaimed. "You're right, Wifey. I can't stop eating it's so delicious," Mr.Uraraka said. I see Uraraka-san savoring and enjoying the meal. I start eating my food and finished it quickly. Werewolves are fast eaters.

I grab five Mochi of each color. I made 20 Mochi, each of us have 5 Mochi to be fair. 4 rows of Mochi have different flavors: blueberry, strawberry, matcha, and chocolate. "Oh my god, the Mochi is so good! It's better than the other Mochi I've ever tasted," Uraraka-san exclaimed. I got up from my seat. "I'm sorry but I have to go. It's getting late for me," I apologized.


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