Chapter 5 : Getting To Know Him

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** Ochako's POV **

I already introduced myself and I already know his name. But I'm really bad at names. I really hope that he doesn't mind having a nickname. He doesn't seem like a bad guy. By the looks of it, he's a nice guy who will protect his family. I noticed that he doesn't talk about his dad. I guess his only family is his mom. There's something interesting about him and I don't know what it is.

"So, tell me a little bit about yourself. You seem like an interesting guy," I said to him. He stares at me for a moment. "There's nothing interesting about me. But if you want to get to know me then I'll tell you... I was raised by a single mom. We're poor so we live in a bad neighborhood. I'm a high school graduate from U.A High. I can't afford college. I want my mom to live in a nice and safe place," he explained.

He's not a bad person as I thought. He had a rough life and I judged him without getting to know him. Now I feel guilty about what I said about him. Without realizing it I was crying. "Uraraka-san, why are you crying," he asked me. I can't even look at him. He already has his life on the line because of his mom. And if he gets this job he going to have another person to protect.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Yesterday I judged you when I saw your profile! I never thought of you to have a rough life! You're taking care of your mom! And you want to earn money for your mom to have a nice life! I'm sorry!"

I got up from the couch getting ready to run. He caught my wrist before I can run. I feel so ashamed. I've been complaining about people judging other people based on how they look or think. "Uraraka-san, you didn't know about my life. Everyone makes mistakes nobody is perfect. We can learn from those mistakes. And I'm glad you were honest with me," he said.

Why is he being so nice to me? After what I said earlier he's not mad at me. Anyone would mad at someone who admits they misjudged them. I can't stop crying now that he forgave me. "Why aren't you mad at me? Usually, people would be mad when they're misjudged. And even they apologized for misjudging that person they're still mad," I said.

"I'm not mad at you. Honestly, I'm a little sad that you judged me without getting to know me. Everywhere I go people would judge me. That happens to me a lot and I'm used to it. I bet your parents were disappointed with you judging someone. So don't waste your tears on me."

How can he say that so casually? I turn to look at him and see that he's smiling at me. It's a gentle smile. He pulls me into a hug. His hug is warm and comforting. The aura around is kind, loving, and warm with a hint of mysteriousness. I couldn't help but smile at him. I don't know but his hug made me feel special.

He let go of me after a few minutes. I started to miss his warm hug. I wish it lasted longer for me to fall asleep. "Are you feeling better, Uraraka-san," he asked me. "Yes, why thank you, "I thanked him. I can't say his name yet. "Hey, do you have a nickname or not," I asked him. "Yes, I do," he answered coldly. Then, my parents walk out of the room.

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