Chapter 48 : Izuku's 4 Years

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** Izuku's POV **

I finished wiping the makeup off my face. I have a large scar on each cheek. A large diagonal scar on my right cheek while on the left cheek has a large scar going straight down to my jawline. They didn't say anything after my big reveal. Mom stood there on the brink of tears. Eri continued crying and hid behind Ochako. Her parents were speechless and didn't know what to say. "T-that's i-impossible," Ochako stuttered, getting closer to me. She raises her hand at me but I catch it before it hits me. "Okay, I'll tell you what happened four years ago."

* 4 Years Ago *

I let out a whimper as I watched Rosy run away then Dad attack me from behind. I quickly backed away and hit him against the wall. I head to a different window from the one Rosy jumped out of. I need to go before the bomb sets off. "Son, I know you had a bomb with you since I was able to smell it... Just know that you'll be just like me, a man who will leave his family behind," Dad coughed out, shifting to his human form. "I may be your son but I'm nothing like you. I'll never leave my family behind, I'll watch over them... Go to hell, Hisashi."

I quickly jumped out the window and ran away then the bomb went off. I look up and see a helicopter coming over from the distance. I decided to not head home instead to watch and see if Rosy would keep her promise from a distance. I ran away from the scene before someone noticed me. I made it to the edge of the city and shifted to my human form. I called Kirishima and gave him my location to pick me up. After a few minutes, Kirishima arrived but I started feeling dizzy due to blood loss and exhaustion.

* 4 Hours Later *

I wake up and see two IV wires hooked up to my arm. I also see Kirishima looking down with a worried look on his face. "Kirishima, where are we," I asked, with a scratchy voice. "Thank god, you're okay! We're at my apartment. You almost die from blood loss. You're lucky that I called a private doctor and I donated blood for you. Good thing, we have the same blood type. Also, the doctor said that you'll be fine after a few days." I nodded my head and I knew Kirishima wanted to know what happened so I told him everything except the werewolf stuff.

"Holy shit, that's crazy! What are you going to do now? I mean, you're not going home anytime soon, right?"

"I'm planning on going to college since I got a recording of my dad explaining his sabotage. I'll try and see if the school board will grant me a scholarship. And I'll be staying with you if that's alright."

"Yeah, of course! But, what about your family?"

"Don't worry, I'll watch over them from a distance occasionally. I'll start those things once I recover."

* 1 Week Later *

I went to the school board and showed them the recording then they granted me a scholarship. And as an apology, they enrolled me in the most prestigious university in Japan. I immediately started attending the university in honor classes and I asked Kirishima if I could work at his bar part-time. There are times when a fight breaks out at night. The worst bar fight broke out that caused me to have scars on my face. And sometimes I would check up on everyone home until they decided to move away but I sniffed them out.

* Present time *

"So, you've been going to college, working at a friend's bar, and watching us from a distance," Ochako paraphrased, holding three fingers up. I nodded my head and smiled at Rosy then I hugged her unexpectedly. "I'm so glad that you kept your promise. I'm so proud of you, Ochako." I let go of her and kneel in front of Eri with a sad smile. "I'm so sorry, Eri. You probably think that I'm a bad father for leaving you behind but I watched you from a distance," I said, patting her head. Suddenly, Eri threw her arms around me which caught me off guard.

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