Chapter 35 : Eri : Part 1

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** Izuku's POV **

I asked Kirishima if the girl and I can stay in his apartment for the night since I didn't want to go back with Mom and Ochako. He agreed to let us stay in exchange for me to cook him food. Kirishima closed up the bar and went to his car while I laid the little girl on the back seat of my car. I went to the driver's seat and followed Kirishima to his apartment building and I carried the little girl in my arms.

Kirishima went to take a shower while i left the little girl sleeping on the couch so I could go to the kitchen. I put on an apron and start looking for ingredients until I hear a loud cry in the living room. I rush to the living room to find the little girl crying and trembling since she's in an unknown environment. "Shh, nobody is going to hurt you. I promise that I'll protect you no matter what. What's your name," I said softly.

She ran towards me and hugged my leg so I bent down to pick her up. She calmed down and I carried her to the kitchen so she wouldn't cry. "M-my n-name is Eri," she stuttered softly. I nodded my head and set her on a chair while I got started with dinner. "It's so nice to meet you, Eri. My name is Izuku Midoriya," I said while resuming to look for ingredients. Kirishima didn't have much in his fridge and cabinets but I did find a decent amount of ingredients.

* 30 Minutes Later *

Kirishima walked into the kitchen when I was serving Eri a bowl of Miso ramen with chashu pork

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Kirishima walked into the kitchen when I was serving Eri a bowl of Miso ramen with chashu pork. "Wow, the ramen looks really good. Thanks for cooking the meal, Midoriya! Oh, I see the girl woke up. What's your name," he asked as he sat down. Eri didn't say anything and ran behind me to hide as Kirishima chuckled. "Sorry, Kirishima. I guess she's a little shy. She's really cute with her snow white hair and her big red round eyes. Her name is Eri," I said.

"Yeah, she's really cute. Oh yeah, didn't you want to talk to me about what happened between you and your mom?"

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. It's a little weird though."

"I'm all ears, Midoriya."

"Okay, thanks."

I explained everything to Kirishima from the beginning to now and he kept quiet to listen to me. Eri got curious about everything I said since she had a confused face. " Midoriya I think you like the girl but you just don't realize that. It's normal to have feelings for someone. Don't worry. You'll know how you feel. Maybe eventually fall in love with the girl overtime," Kirishima said. I nodded my head and cleaned Eri up-

I picked up all the bowls and started washing them while Kirishima prepared the spare room and the futon. He didn't ask me about Eri since he figured that I'll be taking care of her. Once I finished cleaning, I picked Eri up and carried her to the spare room that Kirishima prepared. "Thanks for letting us stay for the night, Kirishima. Goodnight... I'll see you in the morning," I said while placing Eri on the bed.

I heard Kirishima mumble "goodnight" and closed the door for me so I locked it. I felt my energy drain a little bit since I've been in human form for a while but I have Eri here with me. "Eri, can you promise me that you'll keep a secret to what you're about to see? You can't tell anyone," I said. She nodded her head so I transformed into my werewolf form and suddenly Eri started touching my tail. Eri ended up sleeping on the futon since she's hugging my tail so I fell asleep.

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