Chapter 38 : Eri : Part 4

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Author's Note: Hi guys! I'm really sorry for not updating chapters because I went back to school virtually. But I'll be going to school physically on Oct. 9 since I'm a senior. My school district has different days for different grades to enter school. I'm trying to write as much as I can when I'm on break from school. So I was able to write this chapter. Please be patient with me! Also I made an Instagram account so there are chances of catching sneak peeks of my stories! My account is lovely.1017.remy and I wrote a new story called "Mr. Cold-Hearted President"! Enjoy the chapter!

** Ochako's POV **

I spent my time playing with Eri while Deku showered. I hear the door click open and see Deku with a towel on his head. Eri turns her head around and runs toward him. Deku pats her head and grabs her small hand. "Hey, the candy apples should be ready to eat by now," he said, leading the way to the kitchen. We found Deku's mom eating a candy apple so he handed a candy apple to Eri and me. "Oh yeah, we'll be going to the shopping mall to buy things for Eri."

*The Next Day*

We're at the shopping mall buying things for Eri while Deku's mom stayed home. Deku bought all the things that Eri needed. Deku didn't even ask for my opinion when he was picking out clothes for Eri. "Okay, let's eat something since I'm hungry." We went to the food court and ordered our food. "Ochako, isn't there anything you need since we're at the shopping mall," Deku asked, receiving our food. "I think so but I don't recall." We found an empty table and started eating our food.

Deku bought some hair accessories when I saw a cute pink rose hair clip. I suddenly remember that I need to buy something. "Izuku, I'm going to a different store and I'm taking Eri with me," I said, grabbing Eri by the hand. "Sure, just don't wander off too far. Stay within crowded places and don't trust any suspicious-looking people." We nodded our heads and left the store to start walking around.

"Ochako, do you think I'm bothering him?"

"Hmm, who?"


"Of course not! He's very gentle with you. I'm pretty sure he sees you as a daughter and you see him as a father figure. I bet he loves you very much!"

Eri gave me a smile and I smiled back at her. We started looking around in different shops until I found the thing that I needed to buy. I told Eri to keep it a secret and she nodded her head. I started looking around when I noticed two small kids alone with a suspicious-looking person trying to offer them candy. I grab Eri's hand and walk towards them. As I get closer I can see the little kids trembling.

"Excuse me, do you kids know this person?"

They turned their head when I asked that. "N-no, mommy told us to not receive candy from strangers. We're just waiting for mommy," one of them said, and Eri quickly grabbed the kids' hand and ran to hide behind me. I crouch down and pat the kids' heads for doing the right thing. Suddenly they start tearing up and I quickly turn around to see what's happening. In a blink of an eye, I hear a loud thud and see Deku pinning the person down."

"My babies! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. Please don't leave your kids alone in the middle of the shopping mall."

"I won't! I was going to step in when the person was about to attack you but suddenly this young man beat me to it."

The security came and I explained to them what happened. The mom of the kids was there to help me with the security and they took the person away. Deku didn't say anything the whole time and the only thing he said that we're leaving because he finished shopping. On the way home it was really awkward. It was really difficult to read Deku's facial expressions since he had an amazing poker face. Eri and I looked at each other and thought that we're in big trouble.

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