Chapter 33 : The Bar

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** Izuku's POV **

I run to my room to get my room to get a hoodie and jump out the window since I know Mom will try to stop me. I run to the car and start it so I look at the side view mirror and see Mom standing at the front door. "Sorry, Mom... But I need some time to be alone," I whispered out. I decided to drive for some time and stopped at a place to visit a friend. I parked the car and switched back to human form so I went inside to find him.

I see him behind the encounter so I sneaked up behind him and aggressively grabbed his shoulder. He flinched and slowly turned his head around only to see me. "Damn it, Midoriya! You scared the hell out of me! I really thought that I was gonna get robbed," he sighed. I just chuckled at him and noticed that he was making a cocktail. "Hey Kirishima, do you need help around your bar since you look really busy," I asked.

"Yeah, I do need your help. Can you be the bartender while I take care of some other things?"

"Sure, I don't mind. I'm sure I'll attract a lot of customers."

"Also, I know you come here because something happened to you and you wanna talk about it."

"Yeah, but I'll talk to you later since there are customers coming in."

* 10 Hours Later *

I noticed a lady sitting on the stool so I approached her and gave her a smile. She looks up at me and gives me a smile. "Hello, have you thought of a drink yet? Or are you waiting for someone," I asked her. I look around and see a guy making eye contact with me. I whispered to one of the bartenders to serve the lady while I go to another customer. "Hello, have you thought of a drink? If so, what can I get you," I asked.

"Hello, I'll have a Gin Martini."

"Of course, shaken or stirred?"

"Shaken not stirred."

"Ah yes, known as the Dirty Martini."

I started looking for the ingredients and putting them in the tin cocktail shaker. I started shaking until the drink sounded slushy and opened the tin cocktail shaker. I strained the cocktail and added an olive as a garish which surprised him since I made the cocktail so quickly. He eyed me suspiciously but I gave him a smile while he took a sip of the Gin Martini. "Wow, the Martini is cold and crisp! I can taste the alcohol and the olive brine," he exclaimed.

I nodded my head and went out the back door to catch some fresh air. I suddenly hear someone crying so I turn my head to see a little girl crying. I see that her clothes are raggedy and she has some bruises on her arms and legs. I walk up to her and untie my hoodie that was tied around my hips. "Hello, Sweetheart. You can have my hoodie since you need it more than I do," I said softly while wrapping the hoodie around her.

She leaned towards me and I caught her but her little body was limp. I grab her and carry her inside the bar to talk to Kirishima in his office. I opened the door without knocking and it made him flinch. "Damn it, Midoriya! Can you knock next time?.. Who is that little girl," he asked. I closed the door behind me and went to sit in front of him. I didn't say anything to him and held the little girl to keep her warm.

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