Chapter 46 : I'm Sorry

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** Ochako's POV **

I ran far away from the building with Kaya. I turn around to look at the building and see an explosion. "No... No... Noooo! Izuku, no! Why," I screamed, falling to the ground. "Why?! Why didn't you tell me that you had a bomb with you?!" I cried while Kaya would let out sad growls and roars. Kaya goes behind me and lays down while letting out low growls. I lean back to Kaya and turn around to hug her. "I-I'm sorry, Kaya," I sobbed, starting to get sleepy.

* 4 Hours Later *

I wake up and look around to see where I am. I realized that I'm in my bedroom and jumped out of my bed. I ran out of my room thinking it's all a crazy dream. I go to Izuku's room and notice the door wide open. I went inside and noticed a few things were missing in his room. That's when I realized that he took those missing things with him to save me. "No... No... Noooo! This can't be real! All of this can't be real," I screamed, falling to the floor.

"Ochako, you should be in bed!"

"No! Where's Izuku?!"

"Ochako, you should calm down first."

"O-okay, I'll try."

I started taking some deep breaths and got up from the floor. I go over to Deku's bed and sit on it. I curled up and started tearing up while Mom and Dad sat next to me. "Ochako, can you tell us what happened after Midoriya rescued you? We don't know what happened since we saw an explosion and found you at a safe distance with a bear," Mom said, hugging me. "W-wait, w-was it r-real?" Dad nodded his head and I started sobbing while telling them what happened.

"Oh my goodness, I didn't think he was telling the truth... Midoriya's father was behind your kidnapping... My daughter fell in love with a werewolf... Now, her lover is gone," Mom mumbled, patting my back. "I think Ms. Midoriya would've been happy with her son being in love... But, her son is now gone." There were light gasps and we turn our heads and see Ms. Midoriya and Eri standing at the doorway. "W-what?.. My s-son is d-dead," she asked, tearing up.

"W-wait! Ms. Midoriya, c-calm d-down!"

"H-how c-can I?! My s-son is d-dead! H-how can I c-calm d-down when my b-baby is d-dead?!"

"Ms. Midoriya, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry about Izuku!.. But I promised Izuku to take care of you, Eri, Kaya, and Baiza. And I'm planning on keeping that promise, Ms. Midoriya."

I got up from the bed and went over to them. I hold their hands and see Eri crying at the fact that her dad is dead. I crouch down to her level and wipe the tears out of her eyes. "Eri, I'll take care of you. I'm not replacing your dad but I promised him to take care of you. He loves you very much," I said, tearing up. "I... I c-considered you as my m-mom." I didn't say anything to her and looked over to Ms. Midoriya. I turned back to Eri and couldn't help but let out a small smile.

Eri lets go of my hand and hug me unexpectedly. I hug her back and start feeling a little happy. I let go of her and look over to Ms. Midoriya again. I stood up and hugged her, catching her off guard. "The same goes for you, Ms. Midoriya. He also loves you very much," I whispered in her ear, letting her go. "Ochako, you're very brave. I'm glad my son found an amazing girl." I smile at her and feel Eri pulling on my shorts then I turn to her.

"D-Dad told me something super important... A secret that he never told you or Grandma."

"... Well, what is it? You can tell us, Sweetie."

"... He wanted you to be his mate... I think like a girlfriend."

"... W-what?"

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