Chapter 14 : Archery

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** Izuku's POV **

They were surprised by my other two weapons. I walk over to my box and take out my crossbow. I got it because it looked really cool. I aimed at the target and pull the trigger. I got a bullseye right in the center of the target. I put the crossbow on the ground and bend down to get the other weapon. I take out my bow and some arrows.

"Wait! When did you actually do archery, Izuku?"

I look at my mom and smile at her. "I asked All Might to teach me. Because someone had an archery competition. The winner will get ¥264,940 and a trophy, " I explained. I remember when I won the competition. I tried to give the trophy to All Might but he wouldn't receive it. He told me that I've earned it for the hard work.

"Wait, All Might the pastry chef has been teaching you with baking and with these weapons."

"Yeah, except for the Katana. Please, don't get mad at him. He told me that I'm good at close-range combat and that I should work on long-range combat," I defended All Might. My mom just stares at me not knowing what to say. She sighs and walks toward me. I had to bend since she's short and she touches my cheek.

"He's a good man. At least, you can defend yourself, save people, and protect people. So, I'm not mad at him. I'm glad he taught you these things."

I sigh in relief because I thought she would scowl at him. "Okay. Mom, I need you to back up. I need to do some archery because it's been three years since I last did it," I said while scratching the back of my head. She nods and backs away from me. Suddenly, an idea pops in my head to challenge someone.

"I challenge one of you to an archery battle. You get to use the crossbow while I use the bow. The winner gets to order one thing to the loser."

Rosy raised her arm, I didn't expect Rosy to raise her arm. I know what she wants. She wants to ask about Kaya and Biaza. I'm not ready to tell her about them. "Okay, are you ready, Ochako," I asked. "I was born ready," she said. "Bring it on, Ochako," I smirked at her.

She got the crossbow and aim at the target. She hit the bullseye on the first try. I grab an arrow and hit the bullseye. "You can get three tries unless it's a tie," I told her. She aims and hits the outer ring of the target. I grab two arrows and hit bullseyes again. Rosy aims and hits the bullseye.

"Okay, Ochako! Good game and you did a great job with the crossbow! I order you to go camping with my mom and I on Friday."

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