Chapter 20 : Sleep Talking

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Author's Note: Hi guys! Thank you so much for the 5.6K+ reads!! I'm so sorry, I haven't published any chapters because of school and I'm writing a new IzuOcha fanfic! I already have a few chapters in draft I just need to publish them!********************
** Izuku's POV **

* Next Day *

I woke up early to start packing for our camping trip. I just pack the things that we'll need. I should tell Rosy to start packing. I turn into my human form so she won't see my werewolf form. I went through the hallway to find her room. I found her room since her name is on the door. I softly knock on her door but she didn't answer.

"Rosy, open the door or I'll go in your room."

Still no answer from her. I open her door and I see her still sleeping peacefully. Is she a heavy sleeper? I mean she can't hear me walking in her room. I slowly close the door behind me. I took my time to look around her room. It looks really nice and cute. My room looks like a nerd's room filled with novels, comics, and mangas.

"Deku, you're cooking is amazing as you... I wish you can cook for me forever or teach me."

I blush by her words. Is she talking in her sleep? Aww, that's adorable! She's like a princess. She must be dreaming about something to talk like that. "Deku, why are you so mysterious?... There's something about you," she mumbled. Why does she keep calling me? Is she dreaming of me?! I get closer to her bed to hear her clearly.

"Rosy, wake up it's time to pack for our camping trip."

I blow on her ear softly to see her reaction. "Deku, that tickles... You're so close to me," she whispered. I see that she's blushing but she's still dreaming. I was about to blow on her ear again but she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her. I didn't have the time to react. I can't get out of her grasp it's so strong!

"Rosy, wake up it's time to pack for our camping trip!"

I can't believe I'm doing this. I let out an aggressive growl and howl at her to wake up. And it worked! She quickly sits up confused about what happened. She turns her head and notices me. "Good morning, you were talking in your sleep," I greeted her. Her face turned bright red in embarrassment when I mentioned her sleep talking.

"W-what you d-doing in my r-room?! And w-why are y-you on my b-bed?!"

She's so flustered of what's happening. "Well, I came and knocked on your door but you didn't answer. I tried waking you up but you were sleep talking and you grabbed me. I just came here to tell you that to start packing for our camping trip," I explained. She stares at me for a moment to process what I just said.

"I'm so sorry, Deku! I didn't know you here since I have the habit of grabbing things in my sleep!"

"Haha, it's okay! I'll be in the kitchen cooking breakfast, Rosy!"

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