Chapter 45 : Kidnapped : Part 4

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** Izuku's POV **

Correction, it's been years since I smelled this particular scent. My blood began to boil and I started taking some deep breaths. "I smell a filthy rat," I growled, trying to calm down. "Hey, that's no way to talk to your father." He jumps inside from a window and gives me a frown. "Wait! That's your dad," Rosy exclaimed, pointing at him. "Biologically. But I don't have a father because the bastard walked out on us when I was a kid." I pulled Rosy closer to me and started looking around from an escape route.

Dad saw my gesture towards Rosy and smirked at me. "Son, I never knew you had a girlfriend. I would like to talk to her alone. You know, to get to know her," he said, walking towards us. Is he trying to push my buttons? "No. You're not taking her. Considering the fact you're the mastermind behind her kidnapping. Stay the fuck away from us." Dad stopped walking and started laughing. "I remember when you were a little pup. You were such a troublemaker, Son," he chuckled, trying to make me react.

"And you want to know something?"

"... What is it?"

"I'm the reason you couldn't go to college. You could've gotten a scholarship but I told the school board some white lies about you."

"You asshole! I studied my ass off just to go to the best college and help Mom not drown in debt! Our life was a living hell because of you and you'll pay for it!"

I threw my other katana at him but he shifted into his wolf form and dodged it. "D-did he j-just t-transform into a w-wolf," Rosy asked, looking very shocked and scared. "Aw, you didn't tell your little girlfriend, Son?" Dad started walking in a circle around us but maintained his distance. "T-tell me w-what," she asked, hugging me tightly. My blood began to boil again and I could feel my eyes and canines changing. "Haha, I can't believe you haven't told her yet, Son!.. Your bodyguard is a werewolf just like me, girly."

I couldn't hold in my bottled-up anger anymore. I gently pushed Rosy away from me and shifted into wolf form. "Y-you w-were the w-wolf from the w-woods," she asked, wanting to cry. I didn't say anything but all I could do was nod and Rosy started taking some deep breaths. "N-no wonder, you have this strong mysterious aura around you." I growled at Dad and jumped on him and then bit the back of his neck. He yelped in pain and flipped me over and then started growling at me.

"That was a dirty move, son!"

"No, it wasn't! You're just a dirty criminal who lost the most precious thing in life!"

We snarled at each other and Dad decided to go after Rosy. I ran towards him and jumped and immediately started to bite the back of his neck violently. I threw Dad across the room and went towards Rosy. "It's too dangerous for you to be here. You're witnessing a fight between two werewolves and I'm covered in blood," I said, starting to whimper. She didn't say anything and kept staring at me. "You should leave, you'll get hurt if you stay."

"I... I can't leave you! You'll get yourself killed!"

"You need to go!.. The reason I didn't tell you that I'm a werewolf was that you'd be afraid of me... You'll see me as a monster because I'm not human."

Rosy started crying and hugging me tightly. "You dummy! I fell for who you are and nothing else! Because I love you," she confessed, letting me go. I quickly helped her climb out a window and licked her cheek. "Ochako, I want you to take care of Mom, Eri, Kaya, and Baiza for me, please. And I fell for you, too. I love you, too." She gave me one last hug and ran away. There was something I never told them, that I had a ticking time bomb. And suddenly, the bomb went off.

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