Chapter 29 : The Lake

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** Ochako's POV **

When Deku was being chased by Bakugou while I stood there with Ms.Midoriya. I was hoping that Deku wouldn't say that we'll go swimming because I'll be wearing a bikini. "Ochako, you should go put on a bathing suit, that's if you brought one. I'll wait for you so you won't get lost," she said. I blush crimson and nod my head quickly. I run into my tent and start looking for the bikini.

I find the bikini and put it on embarrassed by what will happen. "Ochako, are you done? You were inside your tent for some time," Ms.Midoriya said worriedly. I quickly put on a tank top and shorts to hide the bikini. I get out the tent and walk towards her. She stares and then smiles at me. She's probably thinking that I'm weird for wearing a tank top and shorts.

"Ochako, are you wearing a bathing suit or a two piece bikini underneath your tank top and shorts?"

"It's a two piece bikini since my bath suit didn't fit me because of your son making me sweets! I probably put up a few pounds!"

"Haha, it's okay! Izuku was always cooking for me so I could relax. But you shouldn't be ashamed since you have a nice curvy body."

I thought about what Ms.Midoriya said and decided to be myself. But I'm still nervous about swimming in the lake with a bikini instead of a bathing suit. We finally arrived at the lake and the lake is beautiful. The water is so nice and clean without any piece of trash on site. And the water is so clear and I see Bakugou in the water while Deku laughs at him.

I sneaked up on Deku so I could push him into the lake but he moved to the side and I fell into the lake. How did he know that I was behind him? "Ochako, that was a dirty move and look what happened to you. Better luck next time," Deku teased. I get out of the lake and start taking off my tank top and shorts. Deku looked so surprised by my action that he looked away.

"What's wrong, Izuku? Never seen a lady wearing a bikini?.. Wow, you're blushing a lot!"

"N-no! I'm n-not a p-perv!"

"Why don't you look at me? I'm just wearing a bikini."

"Okay, sure!"

He turned his head and picked me up while I was surprised by his answer. "Deku, you can't just pick up Round Face without her realizing what's happening," Bakugou yelled from the lake. Deku turns toward Bakugou and Deku smirks at him. "What are you going to do about it, Kacchan? You're not her boyfriend plus I'm her bodyguard," Deku sneered.

Bakugou gets out of the lake and walks toward us angrily. Deku jumps into the lake with me in his arms to avoid Bakugou. "See? I'm not going to hurt her," Deku said. I started swimming away from Deku but he caught up to me. He goes under me and comes back with me on his shoulders. I start giggling since I'm having a lot of fun with Deku.

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