Chapter 23 : Bakugou

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Author's Note: ¡Hola! I'm sorry for not publishing more chapters it's just that I have been so busy with my online classes! Since the COVID-19 appeared in my country. I'll try to publish more chapters for this story and my other one in the future. Please wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your family and yourself safe during this epidemic! I'll see you next chapter!
** Izuku's POV **

Shit, I just shifted to my werewolf form. And we need to go camping right now. Why is the timing so bad? I suddenly hear the front door banging. I quickly shifted back and ran downstairs. "What's wrong," I asked. At the doorstep, I see Bakugou with his signature glare. Does Rosy know him or something?

"Well, I didn't expect to see Deku be here! Much less as a bodyguard for Round Face!"

I couldn't help but glare at him. "How's life treating you, Kacchan," I asked with a cold tone. His parents started a company when we were kids. He started to distance himself from me after his parents' company was becoming successful. "None of your business," he replied. I guess he hasn't changed ever since then.

"Wow, how nice of you to reply so sweetly! Such a gentleman you are!"

"What the hell did you just say?!"

"Have you gotten old, Kacchan? Do you want me to help you cross the street, Old Fart?"

He runs and jumps toward me but I dodge his attack. I took the chance to hold him down to the ground. "Bakugou, why are you here," Rosy asked. She's so surprised to see me have Bakugou pinned down. "I banged on the door but the door was unlocked so I opened the door and I see him," he sneered. I turned to Rosy and gave her a disappointed look.

She avoided eye contact with me. She knows that she's in trouble. "Get off of me, Deku," Bakugou yelled. I let him go but I kept my guard up. "Well, you started it. It's not my fault, Kacchan," I said. I noticed that his wrists started to swell up from my grip. Good thing that he doesn't know that I'm a werewolf.

"Bakugou, your wrists are getting swollen! Izuku, why did you have to be rough with him? I'll get the first aid kit!"

Rosy ran to find the first aid kit. "What are you really here for, Bakugou," I asked while glaring at him. He went to throw a punch but I caught his fist. "Kacchan, I won't hesitate to break your arm if you don't answer," I threatened him. He tried to kick me but I caught his leg. I'm losing my patience with him.

"I found the first aid kit! I hope you didn't put up a fight again!"

I push Bakugou to the sofa. "Tch, you haven't answered her fucking question, Bitch," I yelled. Rosy walked over to him while I stand in the corner of the living room. "What the fuck did you just say, Deku," he sneered. I'm not afraid to fight him but Rosy is here. And she already got the message that we don't get along.

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