Chapter 6 : Under One Condition

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** Izuku's POV **

Uraraka-san's parents came into the living room with big smiles. Both of them are looking at Uraraka-san. I look at Uraraka-san and see her blushing making her cheeks rosier than they are. "Midoriya, we have good news for you. We decided to hire you and let you stay here with our daughter since we have extra rooms. What do you say," Mrs.Uraraka asked.

"Yes, I would like that. But, under one condition."

"Okay, what is it," Mr.Uraraka asked. "I want my mom to live here, too. I don't want Uraraka-san to feel uncomfortable," I said with honesty. They look at me for a moment. "Please, who knows what will happen to her if I'm not there with her," I pleaded to them. I don't want to leave my mom alone in that apartment. I promise her to be together.

"Of course, your mom can stay here. She doesn't have to work for us. She can keep an eye on you and me."

I look at Uraraka-san and see her smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile, too. "Oh, it's time to eat dinner. We don't usually cook for ourselves. So, we just hired a chef for today. That's why we need someone who can protect and cook for our daughter," Mrs.Uraraka explained. "Oh okay, I spend my time in the kitchen with my mom and help her," I said.

We went to the dining room where we sat at the table. Our food was served on the table. Something is not right with the food. Since I'm a werewolf, I can smell miles away and smell something dangerous. I took a whiff of my food and it smelled like rat poison. What the hell?! I turn my head to each plate and all of them smelled like rat poison.

"Stop! Don't eat the food! It has rat poison in it! Call the police quickly!"

I quickly got up my seat and ran to the kitchen. I can smell him, he's outside right now trying to escape. I open the door and see him running. I wish to turn into my wolf form but I can't. I start running by using my wolf speed, I caught up to him and tackle him. He started to fight back which cause my anger to rise.

"You thought you can run away. I wonder how you would feel if I break all your limbs."

I feel my eyes and canines changing. When I'm pissed my eyes would start to glow and my canines would grow longer. When the chef saw my face, he had a scared look. "I don't know why would the chef try to kill innocent people," I said. I can hear the police siren from a mile away. I calm down and feel my eyes and canines changing back.

"Nobody will believe you of what you saw and the police will come here any minute," I said. A few minutes later, the police arrived and arrested the chef. "Midoriya, I'm impressed. How did you know there was rat poison in our food," Mr.Uraraka asked. "I have a sensitive my nose to hurt," I lied.

"Since we don't have anything to eat. Would you like for me to cook you something?"

"Yes, of course!"

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