Chapter 50 : Happily Ever After

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ATTENTION!! I want to say thank you to everyone who read the story! I enjoyed writing it and had fun with it! I'll be continuing to write new stories for you guys to enjoy! So, thank you so much and it's been a pleasure writing for you guys!
** Izuku's POV **

* 2 Years Later *

I checked through everything to make sure it's in order. "Kid, what are you doing? You should get ready for your big day," the Interpol director, Mr. Aizawa said with his arms crossed. "You already know the drill, Sir. I go the extra mile every time." Mr. Aizawa sighs as he walks with me while I look around. He doesn't know that I'm a werewolf since I never told anyone in Interpol. I do cause a bit of attention when I get the job done quickly. The attention caused Mr. Aizawa to be curious about me and go on missions with me just to watch from the sidelines.

"Kid, you should just get ready before it's too late. I'll take things from here if you don't mind," Mr. Aizawa said, patting my back. "Sure, I don't mind. Thank you, Sir." I head over to the building and go inside only to see All Might waiting for me. "Young Midoriya, congratulations! How come you're not dressed up? You're just wearing plain clothes," he said, looking up and down. "Sorry, I was making sure everything is good to go. Mr. Aizawa will take things from there for me while I get ready." All Might smiled and shook his head then started patting my shoulder.

"Wait, aren't you nervous? I mean, it's your big day and it's very special, too."

"I'm a little nervous but I'm okay."

"Understandable. Now, get yourself dressed up."

"Wait, can I ask you something?"

He nodded his head and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Can you take the place as my father," I asked, opening my eyes. I see All Might tearing up which caused me to panic a little. "D-don't worry about me. I'm okay, I'm just so happy. I always considered you as my own son." I smiled and hugged him then he hugged me back. We let go of each other and I walked through the hallway to get to my room. I went into my room and closed the door behind me. I started dressing up then headed out to the venue.

* 1 Hour Later *

The guests arrived and took their seats to wait for the ceremony to start. I'm wearing a black suit with a dark green tie. The bridesmaids wear pastel pink dresses while the groomsmen wear black suits and light green ties. I turn my head around and see Ochako wearing a beautiful white flowy dress then I stare at her in awe. She leans towards her dad who was walking with her in the aisle then he starts tearing up and let go of each other. "Awww, you look breathtaking," I complimented, taking her hands. "T-thank you, you look handsome."

** Ochako's POV **

Deku cleared his throat while I couldn't help but smile and blush. The priest comes in between us and starts welcoming the guests. The priest introduced us to the guests and gave a long speech that I started daydreaming. I remember our first date and Deku thought that it was a disaster but I found it cute and fun. We went kayaking in a river then suddenly it started raining causing the river's waves to flip us over. I felt a small squeeze on my hand which caused me to stop daydreaming. "Now, we'll start with the exchange of the vows. The bride goes first," the priest said, with a smile.

"I vow to love you and hold you with tenderness. I'll speak when words are needed and share the silence when they're not. I'll live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home. I'll love you always and forever."

"Amazing. Now, it's the groom's turn."

"I vow to walk with you in every step of our lives, wherever our journey leads us in the good and bad times. I will be by your side now and forever. We will be living, learning, and loving together forever, my dear."

"Beautiful. Now, it's time for the ring exchange."

I turn around to Momo who is my maid of honor while Deku turns to Iida who is his best man. We receive our rings from them then we exchange rings by slipping them in our left ring finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest said, smiling at us. Deku leans in and kisses me then everyone applauds as we walk down the aisle. We went over to the photographer and she started taking photos of us then with our families together. We went over to the dining area and I started craving some cake.

I cut a large piece of cake when nobody was looking and quickly started eating it. "Darling, why are you eating cake instead of a meal," Deku asked, catching me red-handed. "S-sorry, I couldn't resist since you and All Might made the cake together." I continued eating the piece of cake while Deku watched me eat. I need to tell him the news sooner rather than later but I want to surprise him. I did plan on telling him today but didn't know what time. I finished eating my piece of cake and decided to tell him and everyone else since nobody knows about it.

"Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention," I called out, but nobody heard me. "Excuse you, my wife is trying to get your attention!" Everyone flinched and turned their head towards me then I took a deep breath. "I'm four months pregnant with triplets," I exclaimed, revealing my baby bump. Everyone gasps in shock and turns to Deku who is also shocked. "I-I'm so happy! W-what's their gender?" Everyone applauded and congratulated us then I went to look for the smoke bombs that I bought. I found them and kept one while handing one to Deku and Eri.

We pulled the ring from the smoke bombs together and they revealed two blue clouds of smoke and one pink cloud of smoke. This is the happiest day of our lives and every day will be special for all of us now and forever, Izuku Midoriya. I love you with all my heart.

The End

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