Chapter 3 : Getting Ready To Leave

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** Izuku's POV **

Next day at 4:00 p.m

I had to get ready for dinner early. It will take me two hours to get there. I have to use the first car I ever bought. I saved enough money to buy the 2016 Ford Mustang Shelby GT350. I remember my mom's shocked face when I came home in the sports car. "Izuku, you have to go! I'm sorry that I can't come with you," my mom called out.

I snapped out from the memory. "Okay! I'm almost ready," I called out. I look myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a dark green button-down shirt, black tie, black pants, and black dress shoes. I look good in these clothes. I walk out of my room and see my mom there. "Honey, your tie is crooked. Let me fix it for you," she said. She starts fixing my tie.

"Thanks, Mom. Are you sure you don't want to come with me? They did say to bring someone to dinner."

"I'm sure, Honey. Plus, I need to finish doing the chores around the apartment. I'll be fine on my own I'll call you if something happens to me," she reassured me. "Okay, Mom. I'll see you later. I love you," I said while giving a kiss on her cheek. "Bye, Sweetie. I love you, too," she said while kissing my cheek. I walk out of the apartment and walk to my car.

** 2 Hours Later **

I arrive at a large mansion with a large yard. These people must be millionaires to have this kind of mansion. I see that they have a parking lot. I went to park my car there and get out of the car. I went to the door and ring the doorbell. I waited for a minute until someone opens the door. I see a couple standing in front of me.

"Hello, you must be Izuku Midoriya. Oh my goodness, you're a tall handsome young man. Wow, you have a nice body, too."

I bow down to them since I'm so nervous. "Hello, I'm flattered. Thank you for the compliments, Ma'am," I said. "My name is Akiko Uraraka and this is my husband," she introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Kaito Uraraka. Nice to meet you," he introduced himself. "It's nice to meet both of you," I said while shaking their hand. They let me inside their home. It looks so nice and elegant.

"Let's sit on the couch and talk," Mrs.Uraraka suggested. We walk over the couches I decided to sit across from them. "We have a lot of questions for you," Mr.Uraraka said. I don't know why he looks intimidating but I'm not afraid. "Of course, before you start asking questions I have my resume with me," I said while handing my resume to them.

"Wow! You studied different fighting styles almost your whole life. This is what I call a resume. I like you, Kid," Mr.Uraraka said. "Excuse me, I have a feeling that we're missing someone," I said. "Oh yes, it's our daughter. She's feeling a little shy about the dinner. Let me call her down," Mr.Uraraka said.

"Sweet-Pea, come down and meet our guest!"

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