Chapter 26 : Kaya and Baiza : Part 1

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Author's Notes: It came to my attention that some of you were confused about how Deku bought himself a car and how he couldn't go to college. First, Deku got a car by saving cash that he worked for because at some point he needed a car. It's literally common sense because my brother is saving his money to buy a car. And second, Deku didn't get to go to college because a mishap occurred and I'm not gonna reveal for plot reasons but I will in the future. I hope you understand the story since I explained it to you. Thank you.
** Izuku's POV **

* Night Time *

I haven't seen Kaya and Baiza throughout the day. They might show up eventually since they'll want to scare Rosy and Bakugou. I started cooking some of the fishes we caught a while ago. "Hey Izuku, wouldn't the bears smell the fishes since the fishes smell really good. Oh, can we roast marshmallows so we can make s'mores," Rosy asked.

"The bears are too far away to smell the fish even though they have an amazing sense of smell. But yeah, we can roast some marshmallows to make s'mores."

"Yay! I'm so excited for some s'mores!"

"Why don't you get Bakugou so you both watch the fishes while I go look for the things, okay?"

She nodded and went to look for Bakugou. After a few minutes, Rosy came back with Bakugou. I know she threatened him with a photo since I was able to hear her. "Okay, watch the fishes really quick and I'll be right back. They should be finished cooking soon," I said. I went to look for the Marshmallow.


I quickly run to see what was happening I see Kaya and Baiza growling at Rosy and Bakugou. I can't jump in my human form. I ran a decent distance and shift to my wolf form. I run around to the scene and jump in front of Rosy and Bakugou. And I start growing at Kaya and Baiza.

"Wow, the animal is really big to be a wolf and the green fur is really fluffy. And he looks really cool."

"Ochako! Bakugou! Get in the car while the wolf holds them off!"

"Yeah, sure!"

I know Kaya and Baiza just wanted to scare them. I had them follow me for a decent distance. "Why do you have to scare those two people? The girl is friendly while the guy isn't friendly," I said. They rub their head on my chest as in an apology. They're just glad to see me either way.

"They don't know that I'm a werewolf so we're keeping it that way. And I caught a lot of fish you can eat with us. I'll have to introduce you to those two people who you scared to death."

I turn back to human form and hug them. They stood on their two feet and have a group hug. "Haha, you're just silly bears that want hugs! I feel like just yesterday you both were little cubs," I said in between the hug. We walk back to the campsite but I hear Rosy crying in the distance.

"W-where is I-Izuku?"

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