Chapter 34 : Talking To Ochako

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** Inko's POV **

I didn't mean to slap Izuku and he left by jumping out the window of his room. He ran towards his car so I stood at the front door and I noticed he was looking at me in the side mirror. "I'm sorry, Izuku... I'll leave you alone but I really hope you come back," I choked out. I went back inside as he sped away so I locked the door and went towards the couch to sit down. I started thinking about what I've done.

* 2 Hours Later *

I went to check on Ochako only to find her sleeping soundly on her bed so I decided to make her snack before she wakes up. I went to make some onigiri rice balls and turned around to see Ochako standing there. "You scared me, Ochako. Have some onigiri rice balls as a snack." I said softly.

She nodded her head and grabbed some onigiri rice balls. "Ms. Midoriya, where's Izuku? He's usually here in the kitchen and calls me to come here," she said. I start munching on the onigiri rice ball and she's waiting for me to finish it. She grabs another on and starts munching on it while she waits for my answer. She grabs another and another one until she finishes all her onigiri rice balls.

"He went out but he'll come back after a while."

"Did something happen between you two? I'm a little worried since I noticed that your eyes are a little red."

"I guess you can say that, Ochako."

"What happened?"

I started tearing up without knowing and Ochako quickly ran towards my side. She wraps her arms around me and I couldn't help but to hug her back. "Ms. Midoriya, take some deep breaths. And tell me what happened while I was asleep," she spoke out softly. I started taking some deep breaths like she said and started wiping my tears with a tissue that Ochako handed me.

"I wanted to talk to Izuku about you. He told me what happened between you two. Until I finally asked what happened to his lips and he told me that you kissed and made out with him. But I slapped him and I didn't mean to! Can I ask you a question, Ochako?"

"O-of c-course, a-anything! Talk and apologize to Izuku when he gets back."

"Do you really like my son?"

"Yes, I do."

* 8 Hours Later *

I got the chance to understand Ochako's feelings towards Izuku and she actually described how she felt. But she made a little mistake between like and love which I thought was funny. She's a good girl and perfect for Izuku but I really hope he realizes his feelings soon. I promised Ochako to keep her feelings toward Izuku a secret since she was blushing and covering her face a lot.

"I really hope Izuku is okay since he was out for the whole day."

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