Chapter 30 : The Dares

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** Izuku's POV **

* Night Time *

Mom went to sleep early while the rest of us just stared into the campfire. I started brainstorming ideas for us to do since we're not doing anything. I finally thought of something fun to do. "Hey, we should do something since we're bored. What do you say," I said. Rosy smiled and nodded her head while Bakugou just glared at me. "Let's play 'Truth or Dare' but we'll leave Kacchan out of it so it doesn't crank his style," I teased.

"What the fuck you said?! I'll play your stupid game, Deku!"

"Great! We'll take turns so I'll go first... Kacchan, truth or dare?"


"I dare to make out with a tree for sixty seconds."

Rosy starts laughing uncontrollably while Kacchan starts trembling but he gets up and goes over to a tree. He started kissing the tree and I couldn't stop laughing at him. "Haha! Izuku, truth or dare? Haha," Rosy asked between her laughter. I calmed down and thought about my answer. "Dare," I answered. She started giggling and Kacchan came back from his make out session with the tree.

"Izuku, I dare you to howl like a wolf for two minutes."

"Well, okay."

I start preparing to howl but I know that a pack of wolves will howl back. I start howling and surprising Rosy of how my howl sounds like an actual wolf. Suddenly in the distance we hear a pack of wolves howling back. I stop howling since the two minutes are up but the wolves continue howling. "Shut the fuck up! We're trying to play a stupid game," Bakugou yelled and the wolves got quiet.

"Fucking finally... Round Face, truth or dare?"

"Umm... Dare!"

"I dare you to sing a piece of a love song."

(Demi Lovato - Catch Me)

"But you're so hypnotizing

You've got me laughing while I sing

You've got me smiling in my sleep

And I can see this unraveling

Your love is where I'm falling

So please don't catch me

See this heart won't settle down

Like a child running scared from a clown

I'm terrified of what you do

My stomach screams just when I look at you"

Rosy would sometimes make eye contact with me and blush a little when she was singing. It would surprise me and I would look away embarrassed to look at her. I was able to tell that she was trying to say something. "Wow! Ochako, why didn't you say that you can sing? You sounded like an angel," I complimented. She blush crimson and start avoiding my eye contact. "T-thanks! I just sang a love song since it was a dare," she blurted out.

We continued playing "Truth or Dare" some more until we got tired. Kacchan went to his tent while Rosy fell asleep on my shoulder. I pick her up in bridal style and carry her to her tent without waking her up. "You know, I know the song was meant for me and that you have a crush on me. I was able to tell in your eyes, Rosy... But I don't know why because I'm just a poor bodyguard," I whispered. I kissed her cheek and left her tent.

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