Chapter 41: Weird

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** Ochako's POV **

* 1 Year Later *

A lot has changed throughout the year. Eri started seeing Deku as a father figure and calling him "Dad" which is so cute. Deku looks happy about it but he had been acting a little weird. He always looked tired and it's becoming noticeable from the dark circles under his eyes. I always find him leaning against the kitchen table with his head down. But he suddenly gets up and drinks pots of coffee. We started getting worried for him and his health.

"Izuku, you should stop drinking coffee. It's bad for you," Ms. Midoriya said, with a worried look. Eri and I nodded our heads then I took the pot of coffee out of Deku's hand. "I didn't think it would affect you since you're so carefree. I probably got addicted to coffee without knowing." He sighed and started stretching then we started hearing a bunch of cracking. "Well, with 4 pots of coffee I should have enough energy for a few hours," he said, with a smile.

We looked so surprised by the amount of cracking and how much coffee he drank. "We need to figure out how to drain his energy so he can go to sleep," I whispered, so Ms. Midoriya could hear. "I can hear you, Ochako. Even though you were whispering to my mom." How can he hear me whispering? A human can't hear a whisper. Ms. Midoriya is supposed to be the only one to hear me not Eri and especially Deku.

"How can you hear me?"

"Well, I'm not going to stop you from trying to drain my energy. It'll be fun to see what you can do."

"You're not answering me, Izuku."

"It's pretty simple, Ochako. I can read lips. It's a pretty useful ability."

I didn't say anything and he patted my shoulder as he walked by me. I need to think of ways to drain his energy so he can fall asleep. "Eri, do you have any ideas to make Izuku tired so he can fall asleep," I asked, patting her head. "Hmmm... Maybe ask Dad to teach you how to fight, he's been teaching me for a year." I thought for a moment and nodded my head. I caught up to Deku and asked him to teach me any fighting skills which he agreed.

* 4 Hours Later *

I regret asking him to teach me some fighting skills. He's like a coach who doesn't tolerate slackers. I don't know how Eri can train with someone like Deku. He probably goes easy on her since she's a little kid. "Phew, you're such a tough coach, Deku... I'm so out of breath and I need to drink water," I said, taking some deep breaths. He hands me a nice cold water bottle.

"You were such a good sport, Rosy. People don't last more than an hour of hard training." I gulped down half of the water bottle while Deku smiled at me. "I'm happy that you asked me to train you since you need to learn some self-defense," he said, patting my head. I went ahead to take a shower and put on comfy clothes. I heard the door open and I saw a black figure. I tried to scream but my mouth was covered by a cloth.

I inhaled it and my vision went blurry to pitch black but I could hear the two people whispering.

"Is she out?"

"Yeah, let's go before we get caught by her bodyguard. Boss will be pleased to see her."

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