Chapter 12 : Weapons

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** Izuku's POV **

Our parents walk in the kitchen of the smell of the rice pudding I made. "It smells good in here. What did you make, Izuku," my mom asked. I had three more bowls ready to serve. I gave one to my mom and one to Rosy's parents. "Mom, I made rice pudding," I answered. "Oh, how sweet of you. I have been craving for rice pudding since it's been a while you made some," my mom said.

"Midoriya, have you been involved with any other weapons the Katana?"

Why did Rosy's dad have to ask me that? I have to tell him the truth about me being around weapons. "Yes, I've been around others weapons, sir," I answered. All of them were shocked by my answer. It breaks my heart seeing my mom in tears. But, they don't know what weapons I have been around. "Izuku, have you held a gun before," my mom asked.

"No! I never held a gun before, Mom. The only weapons I've been around being a crossbow, Kunai knives, throwing stars & knives, and bow & arrows."

They all calm down after I answered and listed the weapons. "Have you used them before," Mr. Uraraka asked. "Yes, I have. The last time I used was a few throwing knives yesterday night," I answered. "Huh? Why did you use them," Mrs.Uraraka asked. I really don't want to remember what happened yesterday night. The memory makes my blood boil with anger.

"Well, yesterday I was driving my way home when I heard screaming from a girl in an alleyway. I went to check it out and see an old homeless guy trying to rape a high school girl. I had a few throwing knives with me and the most logical thing I did was to aim at his manhood."

I made Mr.Uraraka feel uncomfortable when I said where I aimed at the old man.
"Then, what happened after," Rosy asked. She seems to be interested in my story. "The crazy bastard yelled in pain and ran away. The girl's clothes were ripped and shredded so I gave her the sweater that I kept in my car. And gave her a lift home," I explained.

My mom walks toward me and gives me a hug. I hug her back and kiss her forehead. "No wonder you came home late than usual. I'm happy to have you as my son," my mom cried. "Mom, don't cry at least I was there to save the girl. I'm just glad I stopped him from going any further," I said. My mom is sensitive to those kinds of things.

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment. Midoriya, do you practice with those weapons in your spare time?"

Mr.Uraraka seem so interested in my weapons. "Yes, I practice with all my weapons. And I have other hobbies," I said. They were shocked except for my mom who knew about all my hobbies. But she didn't know about the weapons. "How many hobbies do you have," Rosy asked. "More than I can count," I answered.

"Midoriya, why don't you get your weapons and show us how you use it and your aim accuracy."

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