Chapter 37 : Eri : Part 3

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** Izuku's POV **

I quickly put on an apron and rolled up the sleeves from Eri's hoodie. "Why don't you go wash your hands while I look for a hair tie so I can tie your hair Eri," I said. She nodded her hand and started pulling a chair while I went to look for the hair tie. I found a black hair tie in a drawer and walked over to Eri. I'll have to go shopping so I can buy Eri some clothes and other things.

I grab Eri's hair and start raking her hair with my fingers. Her hair felt a little oily and it was a little tangled but it didn't smell. I tied her hair up into a high ponytail which would do for now. "Sorry. I would've given you a different hairstyle but for now this will do," I apologized. Eri dried her hands with a hand towel while I took my turn to wash my hands and start looking for ingredients.

* 1 Hour Later *

We placed the candy apples on a tray so the candy apples can rest for a while. "We're going to let them rest, while we wait let's take a shower but you'll be taking it first," I said. Eri nodded her head and jumped down from the chair and I led her to the bathroom. She reached out for my hand but instead she grabbed my pinky. We walked upstairs so I prepared the tub for Eri so she went in while I went to look for clothes.

* 15 Minutes Later *

I found some of my old clothes from when I was a kid and asked Rosy for a favor. She agreed to help me which I'm really thankful for. Rosy goes inside the bathroom with the clothes that I handed to her. After a few minutes, they came out of the bathroom but Rosy is all wet. "Ochako, what happened to you? You're all wet," I exclaimed. She quickly crossed her arms over her chest and blushed.

"W-well, Eri c-can be a l-little b-bit m-mischievous so t-that's w-why I'm wet."

"Are you okay, Ochako?"

"Yeah, just a little cold. But I'll be okay."

I noticed that Rosy started shivering a little bit so I wrapped a towel around her. I had the towel with me since I was going to take a shower after Eri but Rosy needs it more. "Izuku, why are you giving me your towel? Weren't you going to take a shower," she asked. I didn't say anything to her but instead I smiled at her. "Don't worry. I have another one in my room," I said.

Rosy blushed crimson and then avoided my eye contact. I kneeled down to face Eri and placed my hand on her head. "Sweetheart, you can't soak Ochako since it's rude. But you can do it if she's playing with you," I said softly. Eri nodded her head and smiled at me. Eri suddenly grabbed Rosy's hand which surprised her. "I'm sorry Ochako. Can we play for a little bit," she asked.

Rosy nodded her head and smiled at Eri. They walk down the hallway while I get up and go to my room. I get my spare towel from the drawer and go straight to the bathroom. I lock the door and shift to my werewolf form. I look at myself in the mirror and see my wolf ears. I smile only to see my sharp teeth and canines. How am I going to tell Rosy about my secret?

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