The day I met you

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Momo's POV

today is the first day of class, I don't want to get out of my bed but mom calls me to get ready for school. arghh! I shout but under my pillow i'm scared mom's gonna hear it.

"momo get up you already late for school or I will go to your room. mom shouted.
"Yes mom i'll be there in a minute."I said

I got up from my bed and went to the shower.

When I finished showering, I got dressed and went down to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

I saw mom and dad eating their breakfast.

"good morning mom and dad I said and kissed their cheeks."

eat your breakfast you already late at school. The first day of your class! says mom

"Mom it's okay i will just smile at the teacher and i'm already forgiven." I said and smirked.

"That's my boy" said dad. Dad and you, shut up and eat, your son is already late, said mom. We laughed at mom.

After eating, I said goodbye to mom and dad and I went to the garage to get my motorbike.

"yes you heard that right my motorbike" we are rich and we are the owners of the school I attend so it's okay if I'm late.

I got to school and I parked my motorbike in my parking lot. yes I have my own parking lot at school my dad built me.
so I don't have to look for a place to park. I was a bit spoiled by my parents so what I want, I get. but my dad spoiled me more.

I was walking when I saw my friend jeongyeon. We've been friends since elementary school.

"hey" i said and we do our hand shake. "Sup bro how are you" jeongyeon said. "I'm good" I said as we walked towards the classroom.

as we walked many girl's were shouting because of us. that is not new to us because we are famous here at school not only in our looks, because also in our intelligence we are 4 friends.

We are called F4 like in the tv show meteor garden.
-Chou tzuyu she is quiet, mysterious, smart many girls and boys are inlove with her because of her beauty. but she's not interested in them, she's finding the right woman for her. She said wait until you can find the one for you at the right time.

-Son chaeyoung kind, goodboy, smart and rich, among us she is the smallest, but wild in bed she is our baby, but tzuyu is the youngest of us, she is also the most loyal among us when you are her girlfriend she will loved you correctly and with respect.

-Yoo jeongyeon she is the oldest of us all so she is the one scolds us sometimes when we are fighting, but she is a badboy and a womanizer but he really loves all the girls in her relationship's.

-And last but not the list me.hirai momo I am the leader of the group badboy, player and most wild in bed I am also the most to be in a relationship with all of us but none of them lasted I love my relationships really but they only use me because of my wealth. so this is me now destroying innocent hearts.

"Momo i love you"
"Be my girlfriend momo"
They're so handsome"
That's all i can hear when we pass by the girl's shouting.

We got to our classroom, and as we approached the door, I knocked to get the teacher's attention,

"Ms. hirai, Yoo you are late for the first class" said the teacher.
"I'm sorry ma'am" I said and smiled, the teacher blushed "go in" she said without looking at me.

I looked at jeong and winked at her.
we went in and sat in our own chair, "because now is the first school day we have nothing to do, you can do whatever you want to do,"class dismissed." said the teacher.

we left the room and went to the canteen, while walking I bumped into a girl.

"I'm sorry" she said. look wher- I didn't finish what I was going to say when I saw her face. She's beautiful, I've never met such a beautiful woman like her in my whole life.

Even my ex's they're not so beautiful as her.
I could no longer speak because of her beauty. "Bro you okay?" jeong said. because of what she said I went back to reality. yes I am okay, I said. are you okay? I asked the woman I admired.

"I'm okay, sorry again" she said I just nodded at her. "I'll go first" she said.
I watched her leave my sight.

Is this true that I see the one and only HIRAI MOMO stunned by a female nerd? jeong said.
"shut up", I said. I smiled and  we went to canteen, jeong was still teasing me so I couldn't help but to smile.

"I think this is love at first sight."I said to myself.

we reached the canteen and there we saw our other friends tzu and chaeng.

"hey!" I shouted at them "yow!" they also shouted at us and we shook hands and sat in our seats.

Bro's you won't believe it earlier I saw momo just staring at a ner- I covered her mouth so she wouldn't be able to speak.
"shut up," I said. you two buy food so we can eat. I command them,

urghh! okay what do you want? chaeng asked.
You know what i want, i said.

After a minute of waiting, they returned with food. finally why is your duration? I said sorry hyung the queue is so long, tzu said. Sit down, I said.

Here's your jokbal hyung and this is your sandwich jeong.chaeng gave us our meals and started eating.

thanks bro, we said.
after we eat we have to go home because there is nothing to do at school yet. Then we said goodbye to each other, I took my motorbike and headed home.

sorry for the boring chapter just momo first and her friends, you will meet other characters next.🥺❤

i will make this story more better in the future.💙 more chapter's to come.😄

I hope you guy's like this chapter:)

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