want to know you better

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No one's POV

they arrived at sana's school, sana said goodbye to her dad and went inside the school. She saw his friends talking at the water falls, he went where her friends were.

"hi girls" she greeted them, "hi sana" they greeted back to sana. they talked first before entering the classroom, because it was still early.

they walked to the classroom, and they entered, sit in their chairs. a few minutes later the teacher came in, and greeted them.

"Good morning class" said the teacher. good morning to you too ms. kim, you can sit down.

okay for to day's lesson blah blah blah blah, the amount she said but sana was the only one listening to her. "okay we're done class dissmis" said the teacher.
Bye ma'am, the class said.

they were on their way to the canteen, when sana had dumped a man. "I'm sorry" the man who bumped into sana said. "sorry too" sana said.

What they do not know that there is an eyes watching them, those eyes is full of angry and jealous, the man would have helped her with her belongings that were in violation.

"thank you" she said to the man, the man just nodded. they were about to leave when the man stopped them. "Wait can I know your name?" the man asked, and sana's friends teased her. "umm my name is minatozaki sana" you? "my name is jeon jungkook nice to meet you sana"

they shook hands, nice to meet you too, jungkook. "We will go first" sana said.

they went to the canteen and sat in one of the chairs, "buy some food" said dahyun. "I will order" said mina.

a few minutes later mina arrived at their seat, "these are your meals" and handed them the dishes.

after eating they separate because they have different classes. "see you later guys" sana said. She was about to go to her class when someone suddenly pulled her and cover her mouth.

Sana's POV

I was about to go to my class but suddenly someone cover my mouth.

shhh ... "it's me, momo" when I saw her face my mood become angry because I did not want to see her face. I removed her hand from my mouth.

"what do you want!" I asked angrily. "chill I just want to ask you something" she said. "Who was the man you talked to earlier?" he asked irritably? Or something? I don't her mood just change when she asked that.

"You don't need to know I'm not your girlfriend or anything" I replied to her. "so let me go because I'm going to be late for my next class."

answer me first before I let you go "urghh, why do you care!?"
okay, he's jungkook, what are you happy now!? "Let me go, I'm late!"

She let me go. "Sana wait" she said and prevented me from leaving. "What else do you want!?"

"I just want you to know, that i want to know more. If you like it or not, I'll tease you every day just to know you better, she said and smirked." It's up to you what you want to do with your life "I said and went to my class.

Sorry for the short update.💚

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