Introduce her

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I woke up around 4:30 am in the morning, I got up from the floor I'm laying on because I felt the cold in my back "ahh my head hurts" I said and massaged my temple it because of a hangover, I saw jeong also lying next to me then chaeng and tzuyu are cuddling

i just chuckled at the sight, i took my phone and looked to see if anyone had texted or called, i didn't receive a call so i just put my phone back on the table I looked at my friends for a while wondering if I would wake them up or not

I decided not to wake them up I went inside the house and immediately went to jeong's room to get a blanket for them because for sure they are getting cold, I went back to the pool and wrapped them with the blanket

I went inside again to wash my face; after I washed I decided to do exercise for a while I do some basic exercises, like push- ups, jumping jacks, side hop, mountain climber and some planks

,,,,20 minutes later I'm done exercising, i wipe my sweat and sit for awhile

i decide to cook for them, it's currently 5:00 am in the morning, i get some eggs, hotdogs and bacon on the fridge i order some haejangguk too for hangover i start cooking the eggs it's easy to cook you know, after that i followed the hatdogs and bacon

i hear the doorbell rang so i went to get my wallet and go to the front door, i open the door revealing the Baedal Minjok driver "thank you" i said and bowed i pay the bill and go to the kitchen quickly and prepared the food

i check the time and it's currently 5:43, it's still early so i take a bath first i don't have a clothes here, i go to jeong's room to get some i know she wouldn't mind if i borrowed some of her clothes, after i pick a clothes i quikly get on the ...

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i check the time and it's currently 5:43, it's still early so i take a bath first i don't have a clothes here, i go to jeong's room to get some i know she wouldn't mind if i borrowed some of her clothes, after i pick a clothes i quikly get on the bathroom and start showering

I'm done taking a bath, i decide to wake the others so we can eat together, jeong and tzuyu is still in their places but chaeyoung is in the edge of the pool, she can fell if she move a little so i quickly get her and wake her up

"chaeng wake up, breakfast is ready" i said and she immediately opened her eyes when she here thay the food is ready "good morning hyung" she said with her sleepy voice

"good morning, now get your ass up and wake up the two so we can eat together and get ready for jeongyeon's surprise for jihyo" i said and walk back to the dinning table

a few minutes passed and I heard someone talking, I knew they were that, they saw me setting the table, they immediately greeted me and helped me set up "good morning hyung!" the three said, the two laughed when they heard jeong called me hyung even though she was the oldest among us

"wow momo cooked, and ordered some haejangguk you're really a wife material" said jeong i just chuckled

"come on, let's eat the food is already getting cold" i said and we all sat on the chairs "thank you for the food!" we said and start eating "why'd you cook so early, hyung, are you going somewhere? it's only 6:09" tzuyu asked

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