Stay or go

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i bring her to my room then put her down once i reach my bed, i put a blanket on her because the aircon is on and she might get cold later especially since i'm leaving for school

i was about to leave when she suddenly talked and held my wrist

"where are you going?" she asked

"I'm going to school for sure my professor will scold me again" I held her hand that's on my wrist, she just nodded then head back to sleep

i smiled at her then kissed her forehead, i leave the room then close the door

i went downstairs and told my parents and bona's that i'm leaving

"i also said goodbye to bona, she's already sleeping upstairs" i said and bowed at them and went out of the house and rode in my sweet lamborghini.

it's just new, i brought it 2 days ago i guess ?? i went inside then start driving papuntang school, i still can't believe that bona is finally here *sigh*

"my long time crush, before" i said then chuckled at the thought

i played the music then go straight to school.


after the not so long drive i finally got to school it was really quiet outside because the 2nd or 3rd class has started, i park my car then walked to the hallway like nothing happen

the teachers were looking at me because they knew I was late, I ignored them and went straight to the canteen because I suddenly felt hungry


the bell sign that the class is over, i didn't see momo in the 1st and 2nd period, i think she's still with that girl she was meeting earlier.

I don't know but I suddenly felt jealous when I found out that she was meeting another woman that who was NOT ME, while i'm walking i saw nayeon, jihyo, dahyun and mina so i approach them.

"hey guys are you hungry?" i asked they just nodded then we start heading to the school cafeteria. we got there in less than 5 minutes, there were a lot of people but we didn't care, we went to the table we always used to sit and were surprised that momo was also there

"guys look momo's here" jihyo said

"but i didn't see her entering the school earlier" mina and nayeon replied

"yeah me neither" I answered as we walked towards her direction

"hey momo" I greeted her she turned around as soon as she heard my voice, she immediately stood up and smiled

"Guys there you are, here have a seat" we immediately sat down and asked her why she wasn't in class earlier

well I already know why she wasn't there but I just want a clarification if I understood it correctly this morning

"i went to the airport to pickup a friend of mine, didn't i tell you?" she responds

"who's that friend, mo?" nayeon asked and I saw momo grin "maybe that friend is really special to her" I said to myself

"you'll find out once she starts studying here"

"Wait, will she study here? As in here at our school ??" mina

momo just nodded "and i'm throwing a party for her so be ready, just a welcome back party you know but I'll ask her permission first" and continue eating

"now i'm curious about your friend" jihyo said momo just chuckled then continue what she was doing

the smile didn't fade on momo's face i'm worried cause what if that friend of hers making her smile more than i already doing

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