Watch your mouth

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*Momo's POV*

I got to school early, my friends weren't there yet because they said they had something to do. I don't know what but they said it's important, I was walking to my office when I thought about going to the auditorium to play basketball for a while, it's totally early so why not right?

while I was on my way to the auditorium, I was accompanied by students who were going to their friends. sana and our other were still not here, when I arrived at the auditorium there were no people and the surroundings were quiet, I lowered my bag and took a ball that was placed on its shelf.

I was about to shoot a ball when suddenly someone hit the ball in my hands, I looked at the person who hit it and I didn't think it was jungkook. "what's your problem? you're ruining my morning" I said and put my hands on my waist

"you're my problem, I heared that my girlfriend went to your house what did you do to her?!" he asked and pulled the collar of my dress. "woah chill bro I didn't do anything to your girlfriend, she just came to my house to visit me" I said in a calm voice.

"Don't fucking lie to me or I'll broke your face" and tightened the grip on the collar of my dress, "you? The mother fucking YOU will break my face? tsk maybe I'll break your face first" I said and removed his hand from the collar of my uniform.

"Are you really annoying me?" he said once punching me in the face, I touched my face and smirked. "Is that all you can do?" I asked and spat out the blood that came out of my mouth. "Momo, remember girlfriend will never like you, she doesn't like people like you" and was about to leave but I said something that pissed him.

"Take your words easy, maybe later you'll find out......that I already eat your girlfriend" I smirked and crossed my arms. He imedietely went to me and said "what did you say?! you have nothing to do with my girlfriend! you won't come near her because if you try, I'll just kill you" and punched me in the face again.

I was shooked because someone shouted behind jungkook. "stop it!" Me and jungkook turn around at the same time and saw sana at the door of the auditorium, "s-sana" jungkook whispered. "why did you punch her babe" sana asked.

I was a little hurt when sana called jungkook babe that should be me, I should be the person that sana says she loves me. I touched the side of my mouth and looked at them, "momo are you okay?" Sana asked worriedly.

I just nodded while still holding my lip. "I'll get going, I have to go somewhere" I said and took my bag from the floor and left the auditorium, leaving them both.

*Sana's POV*

"Babe, why did I do that?" I asked jungkook who was obviously furious, "from now on you won't come near her again" he said and turned to me. "What? Why?" he didn't answer my question and he wants me not to approach momo anymore?

"babe just follow my command pls" he said and held my hand, "i will just do what you said if you apologize to momo" i said and let go of his hands, "what?! i will never do that "he said in an angry tone," then no one will avoid momo "I said and left him alone in the auditorium.

Hi guys sorry for this short chap. I'm just a little busy this days im sorry. I'll make it up in the next chap😁

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