Bro's Day

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Jeongyeon's POV

I noticed that we were no longer able to bond with just the four of us like before, I thought that the four of us would bond today or next week.

"Guys, come down for a moment I'll just need to say something!" I shouted at them because they were still in their room.

momo is not here so we will just call her later when they agree with my idea. "What is that hyung?" chaeng asked me. "Did you guys notice that we are no longer able to bond?" I asked them.

"yes i noticed that too,we can no longer be together like before, well we are together but with the girls" tzu said.

"You're right, I just came up with an idea, what if the four of us bond like before like just for one day" I said to them and they looked at each other and nodded.

"It's okay for us hyung, but how can momo know that, they are busy practicing for the upcoming contest, maybe, she might not agree with your idea" tzu said. "I'll take care of it, I promise momo will agree with this." I said to them and smiled,

"It's that all, you need hyung?" chaeng asked me and I just nodded. "We are going to upstairs because we are still working for something" she said. "All right, don't forget what I said" I said and they just "umm".

I dialed momo's number and just waited for her to answer my call. and a few seconds later she answered my call.

*conversation in the phone*

"hey, moguri are you done practicing?"

"just finished why you were called, is there a problem?"

"No, nothing happend I just wanted to tell you something."

"what is it, tell me because I am going home."

"Okay, I notice that the four of us can no longer bond, and i realize that I missed bonding with you guys, what if the four of us bond?"

"I noticed too, but jihyo and I have to practice, the contest is near, we need to practice more."

"I know you guys are busy, but pls agreed with my idea for the four of us to bond."

"I really can't jeong, we're busy"

"Pls, just for one day I really missed you being able to bond."

"I said i can't come because we are bus-

"I know but pls, pls, come with us."

"urghh! All right, I'm going with you, I don't want to prolong this conversation, I also know where this conversation is going. Where and when?"

"Okay, i told you i can make you say yes everytime. can you come on saturday night here in the house?"

"Yes, I didn't do much on saturday, okay the schedule is saturday there in your house, i need to go home its already night."

"ok, be careful when your driving love yah."

*End of the call*

"bro, what did momo hyung say?" suddenly someone spoke behind me.
"She agreed, on Saturday the four of us will bond" I said to them excited. They just me a simple "umm" and go back to their room.

*Saturday night*

"bro where are you, why did I take so long to get here? I asked momo on the phone.
"I'mclose, just stuck in traffic. She answered me.

"All right, just hurry up when you come here. Be careful when driving, love ya" Sometimes I just tell momo I love you because we are not used to saying i love you face to face, we are embarrassed. "okay, love you too bro" and she turned off the call.

"Where is momo hyung? Tzu asked me.
"She's close, she just stuck in a traffic" i answer. "Okay" tzu said and sigh.

"Bro, im really sorry for being late ots just traffic in my way. Momo said and hug us one by one. "Its okay we understand, so lets start the party?" I said and they nod as an answer.

(Lets skip this, im not good at writing topic like this im sorry✌😅)

an hour has passed since the party started, but momo is still drinking, hse said she will not drink anymore because she will change for sana, maybe she just has a problem that's why she's drinking.

"momo, that's  enough drink, you're already drunk" I said to her and tried to take the bottle of soju on her hand, but she didn't let go.

"I thought this was a party.....why you guys don't want to make me happy, even just for now, make me happy" she said in a tearful tone and looked down, I couldn't see her face, but I heard sobing. "Hey moguri are you crying?" I asked her with concern.

She looked at me and wiped away her tears. "jeong take away the pain I'm feeling right now, pls I don't want to feel it anymore, help me" she said and burst out crying. I approached her and hugged her. "What's problem tell us" I said in a worried tone.

"momo hyung what's the problem, tell us" chaeng said worried. "S-she's happy now hyung" momo said sobbing. "Who? Momo tell us the problem so we can help you" I said while caressing her back. "I-i saw sana kissing jungkook, last time" momo said to us.

the three of us looked at each other and looked at momo again. "momo, stop love her right?" I asked and she nodded.

"why don't you tell her" I said weakly but enough for momo to hear it. "I'm scared .... I'm scared maybe when I tell her how I really feel, she might avoid me, I don't want that to happen hyung" she said and cried again.

If she loves you as a friend, she will understands how you feel" I said and straightened her hair. "I-I'll try, but I can't promise I can do it" she said and hugged me.

A minute later I heard no one crying, when I looked at momo she was asleep in my chest. "Guys, fixed momo's bed" I said to them they just nodded and went upstairs to fix momo's bed.

That's all for this chap.❤
Hi, this is cleo Thank u for reading. See you in the next chap, of this book. Byeiiii👋

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