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*No one's POV*

there are rumors spreading about their gender. Are they ready to know about the true gender of their friends?

*Sana's POV*

I woke up because of the noise of my alarm, I picked up my phone and checked at my social media's, as i looked at my twitter I saw that there was gossip about momo and our friends.

I clicked on the picture to read more. my eyes widened at what I saw,
"momo is g-gp?!" I asked myself.

I immediately prepared to see them at school, I could not believe what I read. I'm ready for school and ready to leave. I didn't eat because I'm not yet hungry, but I like the answer that momo has to give.

when I came to school I saw that the students were focused on their phones, I knew that they also found out about the rumor.

I immediately hurried to look for momo, but I couldn't see her. I went to the rooftop but she wasn't there either.

but there was only one place I hadn't been to, "the canteen" I immediately went there and I saw that they were there.

momo and my other friends, they seem to already know about the rumor. I walked to where they were sitting and I saw that some of the people looking at them were girl's, they didn't look disgusted but the boy's looked disgusted with momo and her other friends.

I hit the table and saw the startled momo. "you have to explain everything" I said and sat down next to momo.

"g-girl's that's it because we can't tell you that we have...... you know, because you guys might disgust us" jeong said and looked down.

I was about to speak but momo preceded me and what she did was very embarrassing.

She stood up at the table and said.
"Yes we have DICK, why is there a problem? Do you want to know how big it is?" jeong tried to stops her out of embarrassment but she doesn't let go.

"bro stop that" jeong said and forced momo to come down to the table.

"How big is your dick jeong?" momo suddenly asked and we immediately blushed at her question.

"oh I remember jeong is 8, tzu 7, chaeng 7 too and mine.....mine is the biggest 9, So.... are you guys happy now? did you i make my self embarrassed?" momo asked the girl who are blushing.

he went down to the table and saw the faces we were blushing, "why are you guys blushing?" She asked as if nothing had happened.

"hyung you're really my idol" chaeng said and hugged momo. "Guys, explain everything we're still angry" I said and gave them a steady look.

"Okay, that's how it is" jeong told us everything and we understood where they were coming from.

"okay, let's promise each other that we won't keep secrets from each other" I said and lifted my pinky promise. "promise!" they said and glued their pinkies to my pinky.

It's already 7:00 we had to go to our own classes, we were already walking, when someone suddenly punched momo.

"Yah! wtf is wrong with you?!" momo asked holding the edge of her lip. "You ... you're the problem because my girlfriend broke up with me!" the boy  who punched momo said.

"tsk, is it my fault that I'm more handsome than you?" She said with a smirk. "you fucking piece of shit!" the man shouted and ready punched momo again but jeong punched him first.

"Don't start a fight, you might not come home alive" jeong said and sent the man away. "We're not done yet momo" said the man before leaving.

"thank you jeong" momo said, heong just noded"we need to go first so we don't be late in our classes."

they have already left momo and i are still walking to our class, our classroom is a bit far and we are still passing my locker.

"momo come here" I said to momo but she just looked at me. "why?" She asked holding her lip. "just come here I will heal your wound" I said irritated because she wasn't listening to me.

"no need, and we will be late for our classes" she said and was about to walk, but I pulled her closer to me. Now she was pinning me in the locker the distance between the two of us is only 1 inch and one more move, we've might kiss.

I can see her beautiful dark brown eyes, you can fall in love with it because of the color. and her pointed nose and.....and her lips its very reddened and kissable.

I was just looking at her lips when she suddenly smiled. "You want to kiss it?" She asked able to get me back to reality.

"h-huh? no, i-it's your wound" I pushed her and opened my locker. "I told you I'll heal that but you're not listening to me-" I didn't finish what I was going to say because when I turn around momo was too close to me.

"what will you say?" I can't speak because we can kiss with just one word. I pushed her away from me again.

"Ouch! That hurts" she said while holding onto her back. "Don't startle me" she said and i approached her with the first aid kit.

"Sit down, I will heal your wound" i saif and she immediately sat down. I put alchol on the cotton to clean her wound.

I gently patted the cotton on her wound so she wouldn't get hurt. "ouch, take it easy" she said holding my wrist.

I could see she was just looking at me, I just continued what I was doing until I finished healing her wound.

"We can go to our classes" I said and would have returned the first aid kit to my locker, when she pulled me and faced her again. "thank you" she said sincerely. I just nodded and returned first aid to lucker.

Hi guys I'm backkkk!!😄 my wifi is okay now.😃Thank you for waiting, i hope you guys still there to support this story.💙

Pls dont forget to vote, i love you all!😊

See you in the next chap.😁

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