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Momo's POV

I woke up with a headache and swallow eyes, as I remembered what happened to you last night. I can't believe I cried in front of my friends, I don't really cry in front of them because I know they will only worry.

I woke up and stretched. I went to the bathroom and was about to brush my teeth but, then I remembered this is not my house, so I just washed my face.

I went downstairs and saw my friends cooking. "morning" I greeted them from the stairs, they also looked at me and smiled. "morning" they greeted me back, and they continued doing what they did.

I went down and approached the youngest and kissed them on the head.
"hyung, you know I don't used to be kissed right "said tzu and pout.

"really, even if mina kisses you you won't let her? " I asked her and she immediately blushed. "M-mina is different" she said and blushed even more. "okay, if you say so" I answered her and approached the cooking jeong, I thought to tease her, I hugged her thru back.

"hyung, you know if you are single now I have been courting you for a long time "I said to her and kissed her on the back. "Momo, im single but im not interested in you." She said and continue to cook.

"Really you're single, then who's park jihyo?" I asked and smirked. "She's pretty i think I lik-" I couldn't continue what I was saying when jeong faced me.

"don't continue what you are going to say, because jihyo is mine" she said and went back to cooking. "I thought you were single, but when i say jihyo's name, she already yours?"I continued to tease her.

"Momo, sit down there, this will soon be cooked or do you want me to burn you" she said and pointed me a
hot spoon on my face. "I will sit down" I said and rolled my eyes.

"guys, breakfast is ready" jeong said and we went to the table to eat, "thanks for the food!" we said and ate. after we eat I need to leave because jihyo and I still have practice at school later.

"Guys I need to leave, I'll just see you on Monday" I said and was about to leave when jeong told me something. "momo remember what we talked about last night, you need to tell sana so she also knows how you really feel" she said.

"yes jeong, when I'm ready to be hurt again" I said and smiled at them. "thank you for all you guys did for me, if you I don't have you I might not be able to handle this situation. I said and they smile at me.

"Chaeng, tzu I'm leaving. I said and hugged them." be careful while driving hyung "chaeng said. "I will, bye love ya." I said to them and went out to get my motor in the garage.

I'm on my way home, I'll take a bath before calling jihyo to practice, because the contest will start in a week we have to win, because this is the first competition at school we want to add another trophy for the school.

so we practiced hard to win. but it's okay for us to lose at least we tried to join. while driving I remembered what jeong said, she was right I had to tell sana everything, but I was afraid that if I told the truth she would stay away from me or avoid me.

I couldn't afford lose her even if she only considered me a friend. I arrived at home and saw my parents watching TV. "mom, dad sorry I was late when I got home we just enjoy the converstion with each other" I said to them and kissed them on the cheek.

"It's okay son, did you drink? Let me come with me next time" dad said and mom hit him, I just laughed at my parents. "You're really influencing your child to drink" mom said to dad.

"It's okay son, go up to your room and take a bath you stink" mom said and I just chuckled. "All right, mom after i take a bath I'm leaving later, My friend and I will practice at school, maybe I'll be home late too. So don't wait for me." I said to them and went upstairs.

After a minute of taking a bath, im done and ready to leave, by the way this is my outfit for today.

After a minute of taking a bath, im done and ready to leave, by the way this is my outfit for today

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I'm calling jihyo to remind her that we have a dance practice.

* On the phone*

"Hyo, i just want to remind you that we have a practice today do you want me to fetch you?"

"No its okay, btw sana want to come with me she want to see our practice, is that okay with you?"

"S-sure, she can watch o-our practice"

"Momo, are you okay, why you seems stummering when i say sana will come with us"

"Yeah i'm okay, it's throat is dry so i stummered sorry about that"

"Okay, see you later momo be careful when your driving bye"

"I will, yeah....see you guys later"

*End of the call*

I'm not ready to see sana yet, but I know I can't do anything because she's with jihyo later. I drove to school because in a minute, we will meet.

I was right here at the school gate, the gurd at the school opened the door for me and I entered. I walked to the practice room and saw that they were not there yet, so I sat down in one of the chairs there and got on my cell phone and waited.

A few minutes later I could hear running towards the practice room. "Maybe they're already here" I sigh and  prepared myself.
And I'm not mistaken they are the ones running to the practice room.

"h-hey, how are you" I said to them as they approached me. "Were fine, sorry we were late for a few minutes" jihyo said. "We just meet someone before we came here" sana said and I just nodded in response.

"So....hyo lets start the practice?" I asked as she nodded.
"I'm just watching here" sana said and i didn't respone.

it's hard for me to ignore her, because I just want to move on. I don't know how I can get through this. I'm not used to not paying attention to her.

I just want to be happy, but how can I be happy if my own happiness
is......happy with someone else. and do you know what's more painfull? Cause you know... you're not gonna be that someone.

2 hour had past,, we finished practicing. and sana is busy with her cellphone maybe texting jungkook again, because her smile reached her ears.

"okay ... hyo we're done practicing you can go home now" I said to her while panting and sweat was dripping.
"Hyo, we don't have practice tomorrow, just rest" I said and I tapped her shoulder. "umm" she just ummed while drinking water.

"I need to go home first, see tommorow" I said while wiping my sweat. "okay, be careful when you go home." jihyo said and changed her clothes.

She has a big bre- momo what are you thinking, jeong will kill you stop it. I said to myself as I looked at jihyo's chest.

I was about to leave, when sana suddenly called me. "Momoring, you will leave right now?" She asked and pout. "yeah" I answered coldly.
"um .... be careful when your driving" she said and would have kissed me on the cheek. but I stopped her. "Why?" She asked. "I'm sweating, don't kiss me" I said and walked away from her.

Thank you for reading and sorry for the wrong grammars,
sorry im not perfect✌hope you like this chap.❤

what do you guys think will happen to momo's feeling for sana, let's find out together in the next chapters. Bye for now👋🧡

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