Old friend

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i woke up because of the sound of the alarm clock, i was surprised because someone was hugging me from the back (yes i'm the little spoon -_-) i remember that momo spent the night here

I saw that it was 7:00 am it was too early to get up so I didn't wake momo up, then i suddenly remembered what happened last night "fuck" i said and sighed, it's really worth it to love momo i just don't just do it because I already have a bf which is jungkook i don't want to hurt her either jungkook but the kiss last night was different

i feel butterflies in my stomach honestly when i ever kiss jungkook i never feel those butterflies i don't know why but i think.... i think i'm falling for momo

jihyo was right i really need to think about everything, i set aside my thoughts and turned to momo and looked at her while she was sleeping, she was really beautiful, her pointed noise her lips arghhh i just want to feel those lips against mine again

i touched her cheeks then sighed and removed my hand from her face and was about to stand up when momo suddenly grabbed my wrist, a sign that she didn't want me to leave

"where are you going, baby?" she asked and her sleepy voice is so jabeshskqhq i just want to kiss her rn "i-i uhm, i going downstairs to prepare our food"

"stay please" she said while her eyes are still close "i can't and besides we have to go to school" i answered her.

she looked at the clock and said "its still early, pls stay for a bit" i can't do anything but to stay and went back to lying down she hugged me again but this time we are facing each other [silence]

"i love you, baby" she suddenly said its not hot in here but I feel my cheeks are burning up because of what she said, i can't hide the blush on my face because we are facing each other so i just hope she didn't notice it

"u-uhm t-thank u ??" I answered she suddenly looked up and looked me in the eyes, "you look so beautiful, mylove" here we go again hirai i just finished blushing, you're making me shy again.

I just didn't say a word and I saw that she was looking at my lips, I was shocked when she suddenly kissed me it's early in the morning for a kiss hirai the heck?!

she breaks the kiss then smile at me "Let's get up, i'll help you to cook. I know they're still asleep" her smile was addictive, i can look at those smiles forever.

she stood up and i was still on the bed still shocked about what happened earlier, "hey ms. minatozaki get up" she tapped my knee and i immediately stood up as if nothing had happened.

We went downstairs and I didn't see mom and dad downstairs, "maybe they're still asleep" I said to myself

"what do you want for breakfast, mylove?" momo asked

"you're getting used to call me baby" and smirked "fyi ms. hirai i have a bf, you can't call people around you like that" i said and she just chuckled "okay I'm sorry" she said and raised her hand to show that she surrendered.

"what do you want" she asked me again, "why? do you know how to cook?" I ask and she smirked then said "yes of course, remember when the time i cook for you" she's pouting "you didn't remember? ouch my heart it hurts" she said sarcastically, she's really cute.

"w-what, what are you saying there minatozaki sana you have a bf remember that" i said to myself "All right, momo, i'll cook to make it up to you and i didn't forget that okay? it's special why would i forget that, you take a bath there's still class later" i whisper, i saw momo holding her cellphone and seemed to have a text

"momo?" i called her, she immediately looked at me and smiled. "uhm sana, i need to go home something happened and maybe I'll be late for class later"
"I won't eat here either, maybe i'll just eat when i got home" she added.

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