we are back.

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*Momo's POV*

I was on my way home, thinking a lot and my face and hands hurt because of what happened earlier. I still can't believe that sana is jungkook's girlfriend, actually I still don't really believe because it's not from sana, I'll just wait for her to tell us the truth I won't force her to tell me the truth.

but the question is am I the only one who does not know the relationship between the two of them.
"There are so many questions in my head that I can't answer" I said and sighed.

I am already at the door of our house and will enter inside. I saw my parents waiting in the living room watching a movie while eating popcorn, they saw me and stopped what they were watching.

"oh son you're here" mom said and went to where I was standing. "sorry mom I came home late from the contest" I said and hugged my mom back. "Sit here first, are you hungry?" my parents asked me.

"Son, what happened to your face, who punched you?" dad asked me and touched my face. "Ouch, it hurts dad just take it easy." I said "who knocked you down tell me"

"dad it's nothing just a scar from the contest" I excused. "I do not believe, and why do you have a wound on the hand, momo tell us the truth" mom said and looked at my hands.

I started to cry and hugged mom I couldn't stop myself from crying especially when mom comforted me. "mom, I-i'm so tired of being hurt, I don't want to feel how I feel everyday pls mom help me, I'm tired of being hurt" I said and cried all over my mom's chest.

"momo, what's the problem tell us so we can help you please son tell mom, we don't want you to be like that." my mom said and caressed my back.

I just cried on my mom's chest until I calmed down from crying.
"Mom, I-i like a girl who just made me feel this way, I don't know why but when I first saw her I knew I wanted something with her." I said to mom and smiled because of that memory.

"Then why are you crying when you just want a girl?" mom asked. "because the woman I like, like someone.....actually not just like, she already have a boyfriend" I said and laughed a little.

"momo in love, not everything you want you get, you have to sacrifice to get what you want, not everything you get easily sometimes you have to let go of the person you love because that makes them happy, sometimes you have to leave them to other people because they fit for each other." my mom said, everything she said stuck in my head.

"Yes mom I will remember everything you said." I said and kissed their cheeks and went up to my room. "Good night mom, dad" I said to them. "Good night too son" they said back to me.

*next day*

I decided to talk to sana, not because of what happened last night, I just really want to talk to her. I'll also suffering in the situation of the two of us, every time we see each other we can not talk because of what happened to the two of us.

I was walking when I saw my friends including sana, I walked to where they're standing and act like nothing happend, I put my arm around sana's shoulder and smiled. "Hi guys, how are you?" I asked them, I saw that sana was just looking at me as if surprised.

"Is this true I see, you two are okay now?" jeong asked with a smile, "yeah.... we both got along last night, right?" She just nodded and turned her gaze to my hand on her shoulder.

"What happened to your hands and your face?" She asked and I immediately removed my hand from her shoulder and hid it behind my back.

"This is just, because I practiced last night when you got home and then I crashed into the wall because I was not looking at what I was going through" I reasoned.

"what happened to your hand?" Jeong asked me and she didn't seem to believe what was said. "I went to the gym last night and I forgot to take my gloves with me that's why my hand is swollen" I said not looking at her eyes.

*jeongyeon's POV*

we are walking to momo's office, I still do not believe what she said.

as we walked I pulled her into one of the empty classrooms to ask what really happened. "wtf, why did you pull me here?!" She asked angrily

"to ask what really happened to your wounds, you better tell me the truth because I will not stop bothering you until you tell me them the truth." I said and sat down at one of the tables in the classroom.

"Why don't you believe me? you don't trust me?" She asked and suddenly pout. "Stop me from those pouts, I trust you, I'm just worried about you, so tell me the truth or do you still need to be hurt?" I said and threatened to punch her.

"okay fine, jungkook and I met last night..... he told me that his g-girlfriend is sana" she said stammering and looking down. "What?! Sana and jungkook are in relationship?!" I asked in shock.

"shut the fu*k up jeong, maybe someone will heard you" she said and covered my mouth.

"but I still don't believe what he said to me last night, I want sana to tell me the truth" she said and removed her hand from my mouth.

"jeong please don't tell them first, maybe jungkook's words aren't really true" I just nodded and tapped her shoulder. "Let's go, they maybe wondering why we're gone" I said and pulled her out of the classroom.

Thank you for reading, see you guys in the next chap!☺

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