Come with me

362 14 1

*Sana's POV*

When I came out of the auditorium I immediately looked for momo to apologize, I wandered around the school and saw my friends outside the school coming in because class time was near. I approached them and asked if they saw momo, "hey guys did you see momo" I gasped because of ranning.

"Sana why are you gasping? Is someone chasing you?" jihyo asked me. "No i'm fine, guys what? did you see momo?" I asked again. "Why are you lookin-" jeong didn't finish what she was going to say when I suddenly shouted because they weren't answering my question.

"just answer my goddamn question please!" I shouted. "Sana don't be mad we're just asking why you're looking for momo, and we didn't saw momo" nayeon unnie said.

I didn't answer back and left them confused, I continued to look for momo when I saw her in the locker and was on her way to the restroom when I called her. "momo!" and she turned around I saw the trace of jungkook's punch on momo's face.

there was blood on her lip I approached her and touched her face. "S-sana what are you doing here?" momo asked me stunned. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" I did not answer her question but I asked her instead.

"I'm fine, please don't get worry so much" momo said while holding my hands on her cheeks. "Let me heal your wounds please, even if it's just my apology for what my boyfriend did" I said and took her hand and sat her on one of the chairs near our locker.

She just nodded and I took my first aid kit from the locker and went back to where momo was sitting.

I put alcohol on the cotton pads and gently rubbed it on the side of momo's lip where the wounds were, she flinched because of the pain she felt and I immediately removed the cotton from her lip.

I could see she was looking at me, so I also looked at her and gave her a "what" look "nothing, I just thought it would be worth it if I was your boyfriend" she said and shrugged.

"momo we talked about this" I said and stopped cleaning her wound and looked at her directly. "I know but I hope you can give me a chance right" momo said and held my hand.

"Its just.... I think that if I became your boyfriend you would be happier? Will I make you happier the more he makes you happy? I just want to be clear you know" I just looked at her because I couldn't answer.

"You know I want to like you, don't you?"

"Y-Yeah" I whispered. "Can you give me a chance to be your boyfriend?" She asked. "momo you know that I already have a relationship with jungkook right? I hope you understand that" I said and removed my hand when she helding it.

"I know but whe-" momo didn't finish what she was going to say when we saw jungkook standing in front of us. "Babe" I said and stood up in my seat.

*Momo's POV*


we saw jungkook standing in front of us, Sana stood up to approach jungkook. "what a beautiful sit to ruin my day, hirai momo holding my girlfriend's hand" he said and applauded.

"Didn't I tell you not to come near my girlfriend... didn't I? You still haven't listened Do you want to add that bruise to your face?" he said threateningly.

"Maybe you want me to send you out of this school I owned?" I said and stood up, Sana was just on the side who didn't know what to do.

"I don't care if you send me away from this school all I want is you not to come near my girlfriend again do you understand?"

and held Sana's hands and was about to leave but I held Sana's other hand to stop them from leaving, "let go of my girlfriend's hand!" he said. So I tightened my grip on sana's hand even more.

"Sana come with me" I said and tried to pull sana towards me. "no babe come with me, I'm your boyfriend" and also dragged sana to him. We stay in this position for seconds.

"I'm not going with you two!" Sana shouted "I'm so confused, I don't know what to do, pls leave me alone!" I felt guilty for what I did and let go of her hands.

"Sana sorry" I whispered. And jungkook also did what i did and sana ran away from us, jungkook would have chased her but i stopped him.

"let her be alone first, she need some space" i said and released his arm. "It's your fault..... when sana and I broke up, that's not all I'm going to do to you!" he said and left me alone in the locker.

I looked down and sighed. "the amount of sin I've committed this the most tough sin i made, pls lord help me I can't afford to be alone" I said and sat down in my seat earlier and treated myself.

That's all for this chap. Thank u for reading, hope u guys enjoy this chap! See u in the next chap.

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